Muscle and Strength Questions and Answers


Muscle Questions
Strength Questions
Exercise Technique Questions
Nutrition & Supplement Questions
Cardio Training Questions
Miscellaneous Questions



Muscle-Building - Questions and Answers



As a 64 year old man, can I still expect muscle growth and what amount and type of exercise will achieve this?



Why is it that people who want to lose weight are told to exercise and people that want to gain weight are told the same thing? If exercise builds muscle why would people that want to lose weight want to exercise when its building muscle?



I am 21 years old and have been weight lifting for about a year. I wanted to know how can I build pecs that pop out of my shirt, just like the large, round chests in the muscle magazines.


I want to build a bigger butt. However I do not want to build any bigger on my legs or anywhere else. Is that possible to do?


I'm a hardgainer with gastrointestinal problems and I'm HIV positive. How can I build muscle mass and get ripped? I'm not on any meds and my body gives out so quickly when I try to lift heavy.



I'm 13 years old and I've been lifting weights for 2 years now. I have my own program and I would like to know if it's ok for someone my age?


Are there any good tricks you can share with me for building massive traps? I seem to have a hard time building them with normal training.


I like to use drop sets for building muscle, especially on machines with weight stacks and pins. Are there good ways to make drop sets work even better on those machines?


How do I find out what my muscle fiber type is for each muscle group? I want to know if I've got more fast-twitch or slow-twitch fibers.


Strength Training - Questions and Answers



I have a question about how fast you should lift weights. I heard it's good to lift both fast and slow. Can you give me advice about what pace I should go?


I was wondering how big and strong can one get without using a spotter? I work to failure with every exercise but if I had a spotter, I would push myself farther until I wouldn't even be able to lift the weights. If I have a spotter will I gain more mass?


When should I max out and how often? I've heard that it's good and I've also heard that it's bad. If it's good, should I do that with all of my exercises like in arm curls, etc.?


Do I need to use a weight belt when I train with weights? I heard I should use one all the time and I've also heard it can make my core weaker.


How do I find my One-Rep Max? Is there a 1RM calculator I can use?




Exercise Technique - Questions and Answers



What is the main difference between using an EZ curl bar and using a straight bar for curls? Is one bar more effective for building the biceps? I like the feel of the curl bar but is it just as effective for building my biceps as a straight bar?


I heard from my friend that weight training exercises can be differentiated into 3 types -- stamina building, power training and body shaping. Can you tell me the difference between the 3 types and elaborate a bit on the different exercises for the 3 types?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing leg curls and leg extensions instead of doing squats?



I have a very small butt size and I want to know if there are any exercises I can use to make my butt bigger.


What are the best exercises for biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders and back?


Are upright rows a good, safe exercise for building my deltoids and trapezius muscles? Also, I have read that upright rows will damage my rotator cuffs and put undue stress on my shoulder joints. Is this true or are upright rows a safe exercise to put in my shoulder workout? Do you think upright rows will hurt my shoulders?


For shoulder exercises, you say that one needs to keep the shoulder-girdle down. I've always thought that one had to shrug the shoulder-girdle up for more effective shoulder presses. Can you tell me about this?


What is the single best overall bodyweight exercise to do for strength and cardio benefits?


Could you tell me the best way to improve the trap muscles? I have full access to a gym.


What is a French Curl and how do you do it?



What are some lifts to build the part of the tricep down by the elbow (my triceps are really weak in that area)? Also, what are some exercises that build the outer part of the tricep?


I have been having problems bench pressing properly. This happened earlier this month and now I have a minor case of curvature of the spine. Should I be pressing while I have this condition?


What are the most effective forearm and tricep exercises?


Are there muscles on the inner part of your lower back, around the #1, 2, & 3 lumbar vertebrae and if there are what exercises can be done to strengthen them?


What exercises can I do to work my lower body besides lunges? I have bad knees so lunges hurt.


Could you give me some suggestions and examples of exercises that can be done at home with daily items, for each part of the body? I don't have a gym nearby and no money to buy equipment.


How can I keep my balance when doing lunges? I always seem to tip over when I start to come back up from the bottom.


I want to build big, strong arms and I've heard negative training is a great way to do it. What's the best way to do negative training for dips for triceps?


What does it mean to drive with the legs on the bench press? I've heard about leg drive but I'm not sure how to do it or how it'll let me bench press more weight.


Is there a good way to make abdominal crunches harder and work the lower abs at the same time?


What's a good way to improve my forearm and finger strength? I like to do martial arts and I need a stronger grip and I want to have stronger fingers, too.




Nutrition and Supplements - Questions and Answers



With regards to the post-workout 4 hour window of opportunity and eating simple carbs and protein....what are common examples of these food types that people might have in their homes normally and are good for them?



I recently started bodybuilding. I want to use creatine but I'm not sure it's healthy. I know creatine is not a steroid so I don't think it's dangerous. What do you think?



I would like to gain more weight and muscle mass so I use protein powder. I work out 2-3 days a week at school. I bought a protein powder that has 55 grams per serving. How much protein should I take and when?



I want to know what should I eat. I am a vegetarian that wants to build muscle and I don't like non-vegetarian foods. I am thin and I want to gain weight through exercise. Can you help?


What should I eat after a workout? I want to build muscle but I'm not sure what I should be eating after I get done training.




Cardiovascular Training - Questions and Answers



I wanted to know if you think it's a good idea to do cardio on my off days if I want to gain muscle. I don't know if I should do that. If I do cardio, will that help build muscle or hurt when the muscles need rest?


I know what anabolic and catabolic states are but I'm not sure how doing cardio work would affect my muscle gains due to the fact it induces a catabolic state but without stimulating muscle growth.


What's the maximum amount of cardio you can do without losing muscle mass?



Miscellaneous Questions and Answers



My husband needs some exercises to help ease his lower back pain from golfing. Any suggestions?



What is your opinion as to the comparability between Bowflex™ and free weights? I'm particularly interested in deep squats up to 250 lbs and want to know if Bowflex's squat attachment can give me as stimulating a squat workout as do free weights.


I was just curious to know if it is possible to achieve the same results from a pure dumbbell workout as it is with barbells. For example, are dumbbell flyes really equivalent to the bench press?


Can you recommend any posture correcting exercises? When I walk normally, I always tend to slouch and I would like to be able to stand up straight.


I have heard that if you do certain kinds of exercises, you can get a little taller. Is that true? If yes, what are some of the exercises?


I'm playing baseball and looking to improve my performance. Can you recommend any lifting exercises to help improve my baseball swing?


Why is it so bad to overtrain and how do you know if you are overtraining?


I have big, muscular legs (both calves and thighs). Is there any way that my calf muscles and thigh muscles could be made smaller with training? I know there are a lot of exercises for muscle-building, but I'd like to ask you for exercises for muscle-shrinking or any activity that can help reduce muscle mass.


I am a track and cross country runner. Right now I'm training for cross country but my calf muscles are killing me. The pain starts at the top of my Achilles tendon and up the middle of my calf. I don't know what to do, its been like this for 2 weeks.


What are the recommended number of sets for gaining strength, endurance and muscle mass respectively, and how many reps? Is it better to do the maximum weight for that number of reps as far as possible or start lower and stay at that weight for the entire set?


What causes muscle soreness? Is it lactic acid?



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