Fat-loss nutrition is one of the most important and also one of the most confusing aspects of an overall plan to lose weight. Our goal here is to simplify it for you, so you know exactly what you're doing and finally answer the question "What do I eat to lose fat?"
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Is Calorie-Counting Necessary for Fat Loss?
Calorie-counting is one of those things that you either love or hate. You either feel like you HAVE to do it in order to get results or you feel like there's NO WAY you'll ever be caught dead doing it. It's rare you find somebody who sits on the middle ground in this one. Learn the TRUTH about calorie counting for fat loss here...
What Are Non-Impact Carbs, Net Carbs and Effective Carbs?
Imagine the promise of low-carb foods wrapped up in traditionally "high-carb" packages. It sounds like a dream come true to dieters who crave the taste of carb-containing foods (like chocolate) but still want the results of a low-carb diet. Is this for real or are these terms just designed to pry open your wallet?
Is the Glycemic Diet Good For Fat Loss?
With the popularity of the Atkins/Low Carb diet fading rapidly, it was only a matter of time before the next "big thing" came along to replace it. The premise of the Glycemic Diet is simple: carbs are not the bad guys...it's the TYPES of carbs you eat that are most important. The big question is, does it work?
Fat-Loss Recipes
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