Chest Exercises


The chest is one of the "showpiece" areas of the body...every guy wants a bigger chest and stronger bench press and ladies want a more sculpted look. These exercises will help you achieve that.


Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

This exercise is one of the best exercises for building mass in the chest. The dumbbells allow for greater freedom of movement and better pec activation than the barbell bench press.



Flat Barbell Bench Press

Flat Barbell Bench Press

When people think chest training, they think bench press. It's a very effective chest-builder when done properly, however it's also one of the most misused exercises you'll see done in the gym.



Incline Barbell Bench Press - Bottom Start

Incline Barbell Bench Press - Bottom Start

This version of the Incline Press is done using the power rack and starting from the bottom instead of going top-down. It's safer, easier on the shoulders and allows you to put your body in optimal pressing position on each rep.



Back-Off-Bench Dumbbell Bench Press

Back-Off-Bench Dumbbell Bench Press

In addition to targeting the chest, this exercise will attack your core very strongly. You'll be taking support away from your upper back while pressing, forcing your abs to support your upper body and the weight.



Cable Floor Flyes

Cable Floor Flyes

By positioning yourself on the floor for flyes, you take away a good deal of shoulder stress that you might normally get with the exercise while still retaining the ideal inwards resistance movement pattern for targeting the pecs.



Dip Belt Weighted Push-Ups in the Rack

Dip Belt Weighted Push-Ups in the Rack

If you've ever wondered how to add resistance to the push-up, this one of the best ways I've found to do it. It will allow you to add as much weight as you can handle without needing a partner to help.



Lateral Band Feet-Elevated Push-Ups

Lateral Band Feet-Elevated Push-Ups

This upper-chest bodyweight exercise is for advanced trainers only. You'll have bands pulling your hands out laterally while you activate the pecs to keep them you're doing a push-up with your feet up on wall.



Lateral Walking Push-Ups

Lateral Walking Push-Ups

This push-up variation works the upper body in a lateral movement pattern. On each rep, you're going to walk your arms and legs to the side.



One-Arm Bench Push-Ups

One-Arm Bench Push-Ups

If you need a more challenging version of the push-up, this exercise will do it for you. Unlike standard one-arm push-ups (that hit the tricep more), this version hits the pecs extremely hard.



One-Arm Wall-Braced Push-Ups

One-Arm Wall-Braced Push-Ups

This is one of the toughest push-up variations I've ever tried...definitely an advanced exercise. It puts massive workload on one side of the body while forcing the other side to support that horizontal body position by bracing hard.









Unstable Push-Ups

Unstable Push-Ups

Learn multiple variations of the unstable push-up, training your stabilizing muscles and your chest at the same time.




Chest Exercise Tips, Tricks and Training Techniques






Bench Press More Weight NOW With Leg Drive

Bench Press More Weight NOW With Leg Drive

The bench press is a total-body movement...not just the chest and arms. By driving with the legs at the exact right moment, you will be stronger out of the bottom of the press.



How to Feel Your Pecs Working When Training Chest

How to Feel Your Pecs Working When Training Chest

Many people have a hard time feeling their pecs working when they set out to train their chest...these tips and techniques will help you engage the pecs so get maximum growth and strength stimulation from your training.





Ballistic Bench Press Warm-Up

Ballistic Bench Press Warm-Up

Slow static stretching will NOT help you be stronger on the bench. This power-oriented warm-up technique will activate the right muscles and fire up your nervous system for the heavy work to come.





Hybrid In-Set Stretch Supersets for Chest

Hybrid In-Set Stretch Supersets for Chest

For maximum pec stimulation, you need to use exercises that work the stretch, mid-range and contracted position. This exercise hits all three of those in ONE movement using multiple resistances.







Step Riser Trick for Increasing Pec Activation

Step Riser Trick for Increasing Pec Activation

Expanding the chest and getting the shoulders back is critical to getting pec activation on the bench press. However, it can be tough to do when you're laying flat on a bench. This simple method helps teach your body proper positioning.



PlateMates™ Dumbbell Pressing Trick

PlateMates™ Dumbbell Pressing Trick

Slightly uneven loading of the dumbbells you're using can help you put more tension on the target muscles by forcing them to activate to counterbalance that off-center load.





Same-Weight Stability Drop-Set For Chest

Same-Weight Stability Drop-Set For Chest

This is a simple way to seriously ramp up the intensity of your chest training. You'll move from less stable exercises, that require more balance, to more stable exercises that take up some of the balance for you.





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