Bodyweight Training is Awesome...But It's WAY Too Easy To Get Stuck in a Rut, Getting ZERO
Results While Grinding Away at the Same Few "Comfortable" Exercises Over and Over Again...

You Need to Shake Things Up! Try These 5
Challenging New Bodyweight Exercises That
Will Get You Lean, Strong and Functional
While Having FUN
in Your Training Again...


So if you're BORED with your current training...
If you've stopped getting results altogether...
Or if you're ready for some fun, unique and challenging new movements to try...

You've come to the right place. I'm Nick Nilsson, the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" and the 5 bodyweight exercises I've got for you here will kick your enthusiasm (and your results) back into high gear!


Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
Nick Nilsson...The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Now let's get you started with
your first FREE exercise...


Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Bodyweight Exercise #1:

A Bodyweight "Row" That Builds SERIOUS Muscle and Strength...


The Problem: You Want To Develop Your Back But There's Not Enough Resistance in the Normal Inverted Row

Inverted Rows are a GREAT bodyweight exercise and should be a staple of a good bodyweight routine. However, the main problem with Inverted Rows is that you can't use your entire bodyweight to perform them, limiting their effectiveness for building muscle and strength once you max out what you can do with your feet elevated.

Chin-Ups are generally the go-to option in that case, but chins only work in the VERTICAL movement pattern. For complete back development, you also need to perform movements in the HORIZONTAL (i.e. rowing) movement pattern.

The Solution: Upside Down Bodyweight Rows

This exercise is a great alternative to chins, especially if you don't have the equipment to do free weight rowing exercises or CAN'T do free weight rowing exercises because of back issues.

This exercise is a heavy bodyweight row with ZERO back stress...because you'll be hanging from a bar with no direct load on the lower back!

Grip the bar with your hands a little wider than shoulder want them a bit wider because of how your legs are going to be held during this movement (you'll see). This can be an underhand or overhand grip (use underhand if you want to target the lower lats and biceps, overhand if you want to target the upper back and the brachialis muscles of the upper arm).

Swing your legs up.

Upside Down Bodyweight Rows for Your Back - Getting into Position

Now bring your left leg underneath the bar.

Upside Down Bodyweight Rows for Your Back - Getting Into Position

Then your right leg.

You're now hanging from the bar with both thighs tucked up into your chest and your legs all the way through like halfway through a "skin the cat" gymnastics maneuver. We won't be going all the way around into a full 360 degrees, though, because your shoulders tend to function better when the ligaments are still attached...

Upside Down Bodyweight Rows for Your Back - Bottom

This bottom position gives you a nice stretch on the muscles of the upper back, so let your bodyweight pull you down into the bottom position and hold there for a few seconds on each rep.

Now, keeping that position, row yourself up until your hamstrings contact the bar. Try and pull your shoulder blades back behind your body as you row up, maximizing the contraction, then repeat.

Upside Down Bodyweight Rows for Your Back - Top

Simple as that! It's a pull-up/inverted row done with ALL your bodyweight.

The Bottom Line:

Overall, the Upside Down Bodyweight Row is a GREAT way to dramatically increase the muscle-building potential of the Inverted Row family of exercises. By ramping up the resistance and using your entire bodyweight with this exercise, you'll build a well-muscled, strong back with more complete development than you can achieve with Chin-Ups or regular Inverted Rows alone.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...




Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Bodyweight Exercise #2:

A One-Arm Push-Up That Will Build Your CHEST, Not Your Triceps...


The Problem: Your Chest Needs More Muscle and The One-Arm Push-Up Hits Your Triceps, Not Your Pecs

One of the key bodyweight exercises for chest is the Push-Up. And when you get strong enough with regular push-ups to require more resistance to build muscle and strength, you then graduate to the One-Arm Push-Up, right?

However, you will immediately run into a major problem...the One-Arm Push-Up in the three point stance is a TRICEP exercise, not a chest exercise.

So what to do you do if you want to work your chest with enough resistance for muscle growth but the standard push-up is too easy?

The Solution: Outrigger One-Arm Bench Push-Ups

This is a simple variation of the push-up that's going to give you two major benefits...

1. It puts more tension on one arm and pec, similar to a regular one-arm push-up, only focusing more on the chest than on the triceps. This dramatically increases the resistance being placed on that working side pectoral muscle.

2. It puts a great stretch on the other non-working pec as you're coming down into the push-up.

In order to perform this one, you'll need to be able to do at least 15 to 20 normal push-ups, though you could potentially do these on your knees as well, if you're not there yet.

For this, you'll need a bench or a chair (or even stairs...basically anything you can set your other hand on that's about a foot and a half off the ground or so). I'm using just a regular flat bench here.

Set one hand flat on the bench and the other hand on the floor a little ways away from the bench. Keep your body stiff and straight.

Outrigger One-Arm Bench Push-Ups  - Bodyweight Chest Exercise

Now lower yourself down, like you would in a regular push-up.

Outrigger One-Arm Bench Push-Ups  - Bodyweight Chest Exercise

As you can see, my right side is getting the brunt of the load, which works the right pec more. My left arm is being placed in a great pec-stretch position every single time I come down to the bottom.

Get as many reps as you can then switch sides.

Now, when you switch arms, you generally won't get as many reps since you'll already be fatigued from the first set (the stretch-tension on the non-pushing side is still demanding). If you'd like to keep the workload more balanced, take a rest period in between sides or simply start with the other side on the next set you do.

The Bottom Line

This exercise solves one of the major problems with the standard push-up...not enough resistance. By setting your one arm out to the side like an outrigger, you shift a LOT more tension onto the working side, allowing you get enough resistance to actually achieve substantial muscle growth, and not just increase your muscular endurance (as tends to be the case once you're able to do 20 or more normal push-ups in a row).

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...




Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Bodyweight Exercise #3:

Improve Your Athletic Performance FAST With This LATERAL Leg Exercise...


The Problem: You Have Weak Lateral Leg Strength Because Most Leg Exercises Only Work Straight Up and Down

When you think of leg training, you think squats, lunges, leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, maybe stiff-legged deadlifts, right?

And how many of these exercise have a LATERAL (sideways) component?

If you're not doing any exercises with a strong lateral component, you're leaving MASSIVE potential results on the table, in muscle mass, hip strength and stability, and overall balance.

This lateral focus is especially critical if you're an athlete in just about any capacity or sport (even bowling or golf!).


The Solution: Towel Speedskater Squats

I call these "Speedskater Squats" because the body position is very similar to the position a speedskater is in when going around a corner. It's a GREAT bodyweight exercise for targeting the entire lower body with a lateral focus.

It hits the adductors (the muscles of the inner thigh, which bring the leg in towards the centerline of the body) and the abductors (the muscles that bring the leg away from the centerline of the body). These are the Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus muscles of the hip, i.e. the outer butt muscles.

First, loop a towel around a pole or other solid object and grasp the ends of it. Stand on one leg (start with the leg in closer to the post...this will focus on the adductors) and lean away from the post.

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

Now come down into a single-leg squat.

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

Touch your knee to the ground then push back up. Do your best to NOT push with your back want as much of the push to originate from your front foot as possible.

Use your grip on the towel to lean to the side during the movement...that leaning is what's going to target the lateral-focused muscles of the lower body.

The next variation targets the abductors (the muscles that bring the leg away from the midline of the this case, the gluteus medius and minimus muscles).

Using the same towel setup, stand on the leg that's further away.

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

Come down into a single leg squat then push back up.

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

When you've done your reps on one side, switch to the other side.

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

As you get stronger, you can very easily add resistance to this exercise by holding a dumbell or kettlebell (or even just a heavy duffel bag or water jug) in your free hand or wearing a weight vest. The execution is exactly the same. And while it's not "pure" bodyweight training, the fact that you can use just about anything "grippable" for resistance makes it an extremely versatile movement.

Personally, I've gone as high as using a 125 lb dumbbell in my free hand...and at that weight, you get some excellent grip strength work on your towel-hand as well.

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

Towel Speedskater Squats  For Working the Adductors and Abductors

Now, if you'd like to get greater range of motion on the exercise, set your foot up on a Step riser or other solid flat block to perform the can use pretty much anything that won't slide out from under you (that part is pretty important!).

Working on a riser means your back leg will have further down to go before it hits the ground and stops the movement, increasing the stretch on the glutes at the bottom.

The Bottom Line

Lateral leg training is MASSIVELY important and is almost completely neglected in most programs...and yet is has TREMENDOUS potential to dramatically improve athletic performance very quickly. This very simple exercise allows you to target your adductors and abductors in the lateral movement pattern quickly and easily, while giving you the option to add substantial resistance, if you need it.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...




Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Bodyweight Exercise #4:

Tighten Your Waist and Flatten Your Stomach With a Plank for Your DEEP Core Muscles...


The Problem: You Want Flat Abs But Most Ab Exercises Don't Hit the DEEP Core Muscles and WON'T Flatten Your Stomach

A flat stomach is something we're ALL interested in, right? Now, assuming you're at a reasonable level of bodyfat with no "spare tire," abdominal exercise selection is THE single most critical factor in getting that flat stomach.

If you're doing a lot of crunches and/or leg raises, you will never have the flat abs you want...


Those exercises will work the Rectus Abdominus muscle (the "six-pack" abs), but they won't touch the DEEP muscles of the core that form a natural "corset" around your midsection. And developing that natural corset is the ONLY way to really tighten up the waist and get you the flat stomach you're looking for.


The Solution: One-Arm Hammer Planks

This is a unique variation of the Plank exercise that can help you develop a rock-solid core as well as tightening up your entire midsection and waist...and yes, dare I say, flatten your belly...

You're going to be doing the plank with one arm instead of two. The arm you're bracing on will be set perpendicular to your body, which is the reason I call this one a "hammer" plank (it mimics the hammer curl and you'll be exerting force against the ground with your fist, like a hammer).

And instead of setting your shoulders in line with body and tilting so you're doing a side plank, you will instead be keeping your shoulders parallel with the ground, using your arm position to brace the core.

It's a CHALLENGING position to hold, targeting the obliques and transverse abdominus (the deep muscles of the core) strongly by focusing on ANTI-ROTATIONAL tension.

This means you'll be exerting force to PREVENT rotation of the spine. It's a much safer way to target the "rotational" muscles without actually rotating the spine.

When doing this one, you have two options...legs together or separated (which is a bit easier due to the wider base of support).

Notice how my arm is set at a 90 degree angle in front of me and how my shoulders are kept SQUARE to the ground. This is the MOST important thing to note for the exercise...because if your body tilts up on it's side, it turns it into a Side Plank, which is a very different exercise. Don't make it easy on yourself!.

One-Arm Hammer Planks... A Bodyweight Exercise for Developing Extreme Core Strength and Stability

In order to maintain that shoulders-square position, you must exert force with your fist against the ground, which carries through the arm and into the core. Hold until your position starts to break then set your other forearm down and switch arms.

One-Arm Hammer Planks... A Bodyweight Exercise for Developing Extreme Core Strength and Stability

Keep repeating this side-to-side sequence until you're unable to hold yourself up (with shoulders square to the ground) on either side.

The Bottom Line:

You will feel this one from the moment you start it. It's going to develop tremendous anti-rotational core strength and stability. And it's going to tighten up your entire midsection and waist while helping you develop that flat stomach you're looking for!


Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...




Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Bodyweight Exercise #5:

Develop Functional, Powerful, WIDER Shoulders...


The Problem: Your Shoulders Are Narrow and Need More Strength...and Full Handstand Push-Ups are Not an Option

The handstand push-up is a tough exercise...and very few people have the strength and balance needed to perform full range reps with it. Yet in my experience, NOTHING will build your shoulders faster than handstand push-ups.

The problem is, because they're so hard, it means they're not available to most people as a practical bodyweight exercise for shoulder development.


The Solution: Shifting-Grip Pike Handstand Push-Ups

An alternative is the Pike Handstand Push-Up...a variation where you have your feet resting on a bench or chair with your body in a pike position.

This is a GREAT exercise that basically removes a portion of your bodyweight, making the exercise more manageable and still just as effective for shoulder development. You get the same benefits as the full Handstand Push-Up...just with less resistance, so it's doable.

Now here's something to make this exercise even MORE effective...the shifting grip.

As you're doing the exercise, on every rep you're going to be shifting your grip outwards...just a little on every rep until you get as far out as you can while still performing reps. When you hit this widest point, you'll then start moving your hands back inwards (until you get to the point where it's almost a close-grip push-up, then go back outwards again).

This shifting grip will target slightly different push-up movement patterns on every rep, which targets different delt fibers. The deltoid muscle heads are all fan-shaped and require a variety of training angles to fully stimulate.

Start by setting up a flat bench or chair. Set your hands on the ground a few feet in front of it.

Shifting-Grip Pike Handstand Push-Ups

Get yourself into a pike don't necessarily have to have a vertical upper body for this to be effective, but the more vertical, the better, as that will more evenly distribute the tension over all three heads of the deltoid complex.

Shifting-Grip Pike Handstand Push-Ups

Lower yourself to the ground until your head touches (you may want to set a towel on the ground here, depending on where you're training).

Shifting-Grip Pike Handstand Push-Ups

While taking up some of your bodyweight on your head, rotate your hands and slide them outwards on the floor.

Shifting-Grip Pike Handstand Push-Ups

Now press back up into the handstand.

Shifting-Grip Pike Handstand Push-Ups

Lower back down then slide your hands out again. Keep repeating this process until your hands are as far out as you can comfortably place them and still get decent range of motion.

At this furthest point, reverse it and slide your hands IN on every rep (I won't show that here in pictures as it's basically the exact same sequence of photos in reverse!). Bring your hands in as close as you like (or are able to). The closer in you get, the more your triceps will be involved.

Continue moving inwards and outwards until you can't perform any more reps.

The Bottom Line

This is a GREAT variation of the Handstand Push-Up that allows you to use reduced bodyweight resistance, making it a much more accessible exercise than the full Handstand Push-Up. As well, the constantly shifting grip covers a multitude of angles on the delt complex, maximizing shoulder development and strength.


Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...




Get 80 MORE Bodyweight Movements That Will Build Strong, Functional, Lean Muscle.

And you'll find these all in my book "The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...

It's packed with a total of 85 unique, innovative and effective bodyweight exercises that will ELIMINATE training boredom and stagnation once and for all.

You'll learn NEW exercises, just like the five you've already seen, that will challenge your strength while building the functional, lean muscle you're looking for using bodyweight movements.

In addition, I'll teach you how to use simple equipment (such as benches, chairs and towels) to dramatically increase the training options available to you while still focusing on bodyweight as the primary resistance.

This stuff is GOLD...

Keep reading below to learn more!


In This Book, You'll Get...

Pure bodyweight movements that require zero equipment so you can train effectively ANYWHERE you go.

Exercises that use simple pieces of equipment such as benches, chin-up bars, and chairs to dramatically increase the training options you have available to you and make FULL use of your training environment.

Exercises covering every bodypart and major movement pattern so you get complete and balanced physical development in strength, functionality AND visual symmetry (so you just plain LOOK better).

Detailed descriptions, photos and an ONLINE VIDEO LIBRARY of all the exercises in action so you know EXACTLY what you're doing every step of the way.

Detailed descriptions, photos and an ONLINE VIDEO LIBRARY of all the exercises in action so you know EXACTLY what you're doing every step of the way.

Unlimited FREE updates...whenever I come up with a new bodyweight exercise in the future, I'm going to send it to you.


Plus a Full 60-Day Money
Back Guarantee...

Full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm here to help you get results from your training. It's my passion in life and I stand behind my training programs and exercises 100%. You have my word on this and it's not something I take lightly.

If you buy this book and are not satisfied with the quality of the information or the results you get, just let me know and I will give you a prompt and courteous refund.

No questions asked. That's my promise to you.

You'll have a FULL TWO MONTHS to test the exercises and see the results you get. All I ask of you is that you give these exercises an honest try. I know you'll be amazed at the results you get.

The Best Bodyweight Exercises Youo've Never Heard Of Get your copy now!
85 exercises for just...


Still Got Questions?
I've Got Answers...

1. Are these exercises just for men or will they work for women, too?
Are these exercises just for men or will they work for women, too?

These exercises work GREAT for women. Your muscles will develop according to your FEMALE genetics and hormone levels.

Most women simply DO NOT have the hormonal capability to develop big, thick, manly muscles, so don't even worry about that.

The harder you work at these exercises, the BETTER you're going to look.


2. Are these exercises okay for older trainers...50+ years old?
Are these exercises okay for older trainers...50+ years old?


Your muscles don't know how old they are, however they DO know how effective your exercises are at stimulating growth and strength.

The only thing you need to be aware of are any physical limitations you have in terms of past injuries or health issues, just like anybody else of ANY age.


3. I'm a beginner...are there exercises I can use in this book?

Yes, there are! This book contains a wide variety of exercises that can be used by's just a matter of choosing the appropriate exercise and body position adaptation for your ability level.

4. Can I do these exercises at home with very little or very basic equipment?
Can I do these exercises at home with very little or very basic equipment?

You bet.

The focus of this book is bodyweight exercises and the majority of them need very little, if any, equipment.

And the equipment that I do utilize in some of the exercises is in the form of simple apparatus like benches, chairs, bars and towels...stuff you'll likely have around the house anyway.

My goal is give you as many options as possible to help you get the most out of your bodyweight training.

5. How do I use these exercises in my regular workouts?


The nice thing about these exercise is you can very easily substitute them DIRECTLY into you regular training. If your program calls for a chin-up, then select one of the many chin-up variations found in the book. Same goes for push-ups, core name it. It allows for straight-across substitution of exercises into ANY program.

6. Who is Nick Nilsson and why the heck is he called the "Mad Scientist of Muscle"?

Who is Nick Nilsson and why the heck is he called the Mad Scientist of Muscle?

So yeah, it is true...I am a bit "mad!" In addition this controlled insanity, I take a very scientific approach to solving "exercise problems", creating new movements and techniques to fix what's not working for you.

I have a degree in Physical Education (covering advanced biomechanics, physiology, anatomy and kinesiology) and a whole lot of natural-born creativity to do this with.

One of my great passions in life is helping people just like you get more out of their training...and that's exactly why I want to help YOU put these exercises to work in your own training!

Grab your copy now!
85 exercises for just



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