Muscle-Building Supplements


Find out which supplements are effective for building muscle and gaining strength and which supplements are a waste of time and money.

Learn how to best use supplements to get the most bang for your buck so you achieve real results in the gym.










Common Sense Protein Advice

Common Sense Protein Advice

Sometimes it's too easy to overcomplicate things...and protein intake is a big example of this in weight training. Get my common sense advice on protein you need extra, how much should you take, when should you take it?



Do I Need to Use a Protein Powder?

Do I Need to Use a Protein Powder?

The answer to this depends on a lot of factors. You may or may not need to take a protein supplement. Find out here if you need to take a protein supplement or not.











Proteolytic Probiotics for Building Muscle

Proteolytic Probiotics for Building Muscle

Protein-digesting probiotics work hand-in-hand with digestive enzymes to help increase the amount of protein and other nutrients you're getting from what you eat. Learn how to use them and why the work.



5 Worst Protein Bar Ingredients

5 Worst Protein Bar Ingredients

These 5 ingredients are found in most commercial protein bars...and they're terrible. Learn what these 5 "must avoid" ingredients are.







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Time-Volume Training

Build muscle and strength like clockwork, even with very limited equipment, or NO equipment at all. This unconventional approach even builds muscle with light weight, saving your joints and nervous system from overload while you build mass fast.

Build muscle like clockwork now...