Exercise Library


Muscle Anatomy Index

Muscle Anatomy Index

In this section, you'll learn about muscular anatomy, including the names and locations of all the major muscles, where they insert and attach and what functions they perform.



Abdominal Exercises

Abdominal Exercises

Hit your six-pack abs along with the deep muscles of your core with these unique abdominal exercises.



Back Exercises

Back Exercises

Your back is a complex group of muscles. You'll learn variations of rows, pulldowns, pull-ups, deadlifts and much more, covering every aspect of back training.



Bicep Exercises

Bicep Exercises

Time to work the guns! Learn how to perform the standard curl exercises more effectively, along with unique new exercises to build better biceps fast.



Calf Exercises

Calf Exercises

The calves can be one of the most stubborn muscle groups to develop. Learn the best methods for building up your calves here.



Chest Exercises

Chest Exercises

Want a bigger, better chest? Learn optimal form for bench press, flyes, cross-overs, push-ups and much more. This will help you get the chest you want.



Glute/Butt Exercises

Glute/Butt Exercises

You want firmer, rounder glutes...these are the exercises you need to get it done. You'll learn proper form for squats, lunges, hip thrusts and more to take your glute training to the next level.



Hamstring and Adductor Exercises

Hamstring and Adductor Exercises

The hamstrings are often the forgotten muscles in the legs. These exercises will help you give them the attention they deserve.



Quadricep Exercises

Quadricep Exercises

For a complete physique, you need to work your quads hard. Learn the basic quad exercises then learn exercises beyond the standard squats and leg extensions to help you get the quads you want.



Shoulder Exercises

Shoulder Exercises

The one muscle group that can have the biggest visual impact on your physique is the shoulders. Use these exercises to build shoulders that pop!



Tricep Exercises

Shoulder Exercises

The triceps make up 2/3 of the muscle mass in your upper arms, so don't ignore them. These exercises will help you work your triceps extremely hard and very effectively.



Athletic/Full Body Exercises

Athletic/Full Body Exercises

These exercises are more "total body" types of movements that work a variety of muscle groups in a more functional, athletic way.



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Time-Volume Training

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