Fat Loss Questions and Answers


General Fat Loss Questions
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Fat-Loss - Questions and Answers



I have heard that there is no such thing as target weight loss or spot reduction for fat loss. Is this true and if so what do you do about problem areas? I also have a problem with arm jiggle if you have a remedy for that I would greatly appreciate it.



Is eating at night bad for fat loss? I work out late and then go home, should I not eat? Isn't a caloric deficit necessary to lose fat? Why does timing matter? Don't bodybuilders eat in the middle of the night?



I was wondering what types of exercises can I do to lose inches off my thighs without gaining a whole lot of muscle. I have muscular legs already, but I want to lose the fat around them. Do you have any diet tips or exercises to help me?



My husband has been overweight and in the last year has lost 100 pounds. He looks good but he still has the fat on his chest. He thinks he has big man-boobs and he wants to know what to do to get rid of them and his flabby tummy. Any help would be great. He is lifting weights but that doesn't seem to be helping that area.



Should I do cardio or weights first in my workouts order to lose the most fat?


I have a scale that measures body fat via an electric pulse. What are your thoughts on those? Should I have measurements taken with calipers?



Is working out on a stationary bike effective in eliminating cellulite?


My arms are very flabby, but at the same time sort of muscular. How can I reduce the fat in my arms without increasing the muscle too much?


I have one major problem area: my thighs, mainly in the back near the buttocks. I have the dimple effect happening. I was wondering what do I have to do to get rid of these unsightly cottage cheese thighs.


Is it true that cardio done first thing in the morning targets only fat? Is this because the muscle reserves of carbohydrates are low to zero in the morning and therefore the cardio hits only the fat?


What is one important thing people neglect about fat loss?


I have saddle bags I want to get rid of. Not overly huge, mind you, but I'd like to find some exercises that target the outer hip area to slim them down a bit. Is there anything I could do that might help me?


I heard that fast walking burns more fat than jogging or running. This does not make sense to me, but I wanted to check on it. What do you know about it?


Can you compare a handheld body fat calculator (that sends a weak electrical current through your body to calculate body fat percentage) to a person's Body Mass Index?Are the two comparable at all? If a person's body fat percentage is calculated with the hand held device (I believe it is called bio-impedance) and then their BMI is calculated using the formula, would you expect the two numbers to agree? If so, what are the similarities? And if not, what is the difference?


I have been trying for 3+ years to lose the spare tire around my waist. I have a very fit body other than this area. How do I lose my love handles and get rid of my spare tire?


I am currently playing for my High School basketball team and the extra weight I am carrying on me is limiting my performance in the game. I would like to lose this extra weight to be competitive on my basketball team.


Why do I need to worry about keeping muscle when I just want to really lose fat? Do I really need to care about holding onto muscle mass if I just want to get lighter on the scale and see my clothes fit better?


What's the "math" behind fat loss? I've heard about maintenance calories and caloric deficits. How does that all work?



Should I workout first thing in the morning for best fat-loss results? I've heard that you can burn more fat when you train on an empty stomach in the morning.



Cardiovascular Training - Questions and Answers



How can I make my spinning class more effective for fat loss? I spin 3-4 times a week and love it, but want to keep improving cardio-wise & fat-burning wise.



I have recently purchased a mountain bike to help me to lose weight and get fit. Recently, whilst cycling I've developed a pain in both my forearms. I am wondering why this is?


I have injured a tendon on the left side of my knee and can't use the treadmill. I usually use the treadmill but have been told my injury can take up to six weeks to heal and that I shouldn't use the treadmill. I've been trying to come up with some other exercises that will produce the same results as the treadmill.


Why is interval training better for fat loss? I always do interval training as they say it is the best way to lose fat. They say with interval training you burn fat all day. If there are carbs in the muscle wouldn't those burn? I am a little confused about when fat burns and when muscle glycogen is burnt for energy.


I'm a 20 year old guy who would like to get rid of some fat. I'm planning on taking up running for fat loss. How much should I run every week and how should I start up?


Do some people react favorably to anaerobic exercise but not aerobic exercise? If so why?


I have recently begun using a stair machine. I have found that the front half of both feet and all my toes fall asleep and go completely numb after about 15 minutes! The shoes are new, the toe box seems adequately wide, and the shoes are very flexible. Any thoughts as to what the cause might be?


I wanna wear my short shorts again without them being snug like they are now. If I start weight training more than doing cardio and continue my excellent nutritional eating, will my shorts eventually fit comfy again without having to do so much cardio like I did few months ago?? And how often should I do cardio during the week?



When training someone who does not have much time, for long distance, such as marathons, is it ok to include both weights and cardio in the same workout? Would you recommend 3 days of lifting and 5-7 days of straight cardio?



Nutrition and Supplements - Questions and Answers



How long do caffeine and ephedrine stay in your system after taking something like Xenadrine or other ephedrine-based fat-loss product?


Can reducing carb intake seriously affect brain functioning? I generally lower my carb intake quite a bit while l am trying to lean out. I have seen great results using a high protein, low carb diet.


What do you think of fat burners? I don't want to take anything dangerous or anything that will create health problems down the road! I just want to see better results than I see now. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.



I have a hard time sticking to my diet when I eat with my friends. How can I keep to my diet when everybody around me is eating junk food?



Fat-Loss Exercise - Questions and Answers



What are some good exercises to get my butt firmer but not lose the shape?



What exercises would be most effective for the bust for breast enhancement?



I've been doing a lot of crunches and sit-ups combined with aerobic exercise a few times a week for a few months, but I'm not seeing any results. I want to lose 30 pounds and get six-pack abs. Can you tell me the correct way to do crunches effectively because I think I may be doing them wrong?


How can I tone and tighten my inner thighs? I use 2 lb ankle weights doing 3 sets of 8 of inner thigh abductions and 10 inner thigh squeezes for a count of 5. What else can I do to slim my inner thighs?


I want to tone my muscles and not build bulk. How many reps should I do? How many sets should I do? What exercises would help me achieve this? What exercises should I absolutely avoid?


I'm a runner and I want to build definition back into my arms, chest and shoulders, and I want to increase my back strength. Could you give me some pointers about what exercises to do?


What are the best crunches for the lower abs? What are the best crunches for the upper abs?


I want to flatten my stomach. How do I make abdominal crunches work better for me? I don't really feel them very much in my abs and I'm not sure I'm doing them right.



Miscellaneous Questions and Answers



Do electric ab belts really work to flatten your stomach?


How can I stay motivated to exercise? I get bored of skipping rope sometimes. I don't have a treadmill and it is extremely cold outside. We still have snow and it's very windy most of the time.


Is it safe to box with resistance bands or dumbbells in your hands?


How does a person manage their weight when they have a chronic illness?





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