Calf Exercises


The calves are comprised of two main muscles...the gastrocnemius and the soleus. These exercises will cover both muscles from a variety of angles using free weight and bodyweight methods.


Standing Calf Raises

Standing Calf Raises

This is the primary calf exercise that most people start with. Learn proper form as well as tips, tricks and techniques for making it more effective.



Balancing Exercises for Ankle Stability

Balancing Exercises for Ankle Stability

In addition to the "big" muscles of the calves, there are a host of smaller stabilizing muscles that are critical to balance and injury prevention in terms of ankle strength and stability.



Full-Range Calf Raises

Full-Range Calf Raises

This bodyweight exercise covers the extremes of calf anatomy positioning, from full stretch to maximum contraction. This will light up your calves without even using any weight.



Lengthwise Barbell Donkey Calf Raises

Lengthwise Barbell Donkey Calf Raises

For targeting the peak stretch position of the calves, there's no better exercise than the Donkey Calf Raise. This barbell version works even better than machines as it allows more freedom of movement and balance.



Calf Exercise Tips, Tricks and Training Techniques






Two-Part Calf Raise Movement

Two-Part Calf Raise Movement

Learn the anatomical reasons why calf raises aren't a straight-line exercise and why you need to adjust your ankle position halfway through for best results.





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