Abdominal Exercises


These exercises cover the muscles of the abdominal area...the Rectus Abdominis (a.k.a. the 6-pack abs), the Obliques (internal and external), and the Transverse Abdominis (the deepest muscle of the core).


Abdominal Crunches

Abdominal Crunches

The standard crunch is one of the most well-known abdominal exercises. It's a simple movement that involves flexion of the trunk. Learn the tricks on how to make it work better here.



Abdominal Sit-Ups

Abdominal Sit-Ups

This exercise uses a unique pivot point adjustment to force the tension of the sit-up exercise onto the abs rather than the hip flexors and lower back.



Barbell Pullover Dragon Flag Leg Raises

Barbell Pullover Dragon Flag Leg Raises

This advanced exercise targets the core from top to bottom, using a multi-part movement and resistance to put incredible tension on the entire midsection.



Bench Press Leg Raises

Bench Press Leg Raise Crunches

Leg raises have a reputation of being tough on the lower back. This exercise loads the other end of the body to help take that torque off the back while also adding direct loading on the six-pack abs.



Cable Crunches

Cable Crunches

Add resistance to the crunch with a high-pulley cable crunch. This exercise puts excellent tension on the rectus abdominis (6 pack muscles) when done properly.



Cable Zercher Squats

Cable Zercher Squats

The Zercher Squat is an excellent core support exercise done using a barbell. This variation makes setup much easier while still targeting the core strongly.



Barbell Curl Squats

Cable Zercher Squats

Developing "supporting" strength in the core will carry over to every strength exercise you do, especially squats and deadlifts. This squat exercise shifts the load onto the frontal abdominal wall for serious core strength development.



Dumbbell Crawling

Cable Zercher Squats

The deep muscles of your core work in a rotational and anti-rotational fashion. This simple act of crawling with dumbbells makes every step forward an incredibly effective workout for your entire midsection.



Trunk Twists With a Twist

Trunk Twists With a Twist

This twisting exercise is FAR more effective than standard twisting. The simple tweak to the exercise form is all you need to laser target and tighten the muscles under your love handles.



Explosive Knee-Ups

Trunk Twists With a Twist

To increase running speed, you need to increase leg speed...and that means improving hip flexor explosiveness. This exercise targets that using bands.



Feet-Anchored One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

Feet-Anchored One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

Some of the best core exercises are single-limb movements that utilize the core as a stabilizing force and for force transfer. This exercise is perfect for MMA and martial arts.



Human Flag Starter Version

Human Flag Starter Version

The Human Flag is an extremely difficult exercise...this version makes it accessible to just about everyone by taking up most of the load of your bodyweight using a bench.



Incline Bench Hanging Leg Raises

Human Flag Starter Version

If normal leg hanging leg raises are too easy for you, this variation will crank up the tension. By introducing a pivot point to the exercise, you put much greater tension on the lower abdominal area.



Lower Ab Planks

Lower Ab Planks

Target your lower abs directly with a plank by positioning your body in this unique way. Holding this plank changes the angle of your body to specifically shift tension down to the lower abdominals.



Lower Ab Pooch Belly Leg Raises

Lower Ab Pooch Belly Leg Raises

This is a simple, easy exercise that anybody can do...no equipment required...the flatten the lower "pooch" belly area of the stomach.



Lying Cable Curl Crunches

Lying Cable Curl Crunches

This cable exercise targets the extreme upper abdominals to bring out the definition of the six-pack muscles.



Lying Leg Raise and Thrust

Lying Leg Raise and Thrust

This combination movement puts together a lying leg raise to target the lower abs, and a thrust up towards the ceiling to involve the upper abdominal area more.



One-Arm Hammer Planks

One-Arm Hammer Planks

This advanced plank variation puts extreme tension on the deep, anti-rotational muscles of the core...the obliques and transverse abdominis.



One-Arm Lever Deadlifts

One-Arm Lever Deadlifts

Off-center loading is an extremely powerful way to target core strength and power. This deadlift exercise shifts the entire load to one side of the body, forcing the core to stabilize.



One-Shoulder Barbell Squats

One-Shoulder Barbell Squats

You'll put tremendous demands on your core for stability and strength when you load a heavy bar onto just one shoulder...then train your core to function optimally while performing a squat.



One-Side Loaded Barbell Squats

One-Side Loaded Barbell Squats

This exercise uses the power of uneven loading to target frontal-plane stability and strength in the core, which will also help tighten the waist and improve lower back strength.



Rack-Rail Leg Raises

Rack-Rail Leg Raises

If you're ready for an incredibly demanding ab exercise, look no further. This leg raise variation takes away all skeletal support and forces your core to stabilize and move the legs at the same time.



Seated Hanging Leg Raises

Seated Hanging Leg Raises

You'll be hitting the abs with a very short range of motion on this exercise to achieve a peak contraction on the rectus abdominis and develop the six-pack.



See-Saw Leg Raises for Lower Abs

See-Saw Leg Raises for Lower Abs

Laser-target the lower abs with this unique movement that utilizes a specific "rocking" motion to force tension directly onto the lower abs.



Ski Jumper Planks

Ski Jumper Planks

This version of the plank shifts the focus of the exercise to the upper aspect of the rectus abdominis (the six pack abs).



Small Ball Crunches

Small Ball Crunches

Using a small ball for a crunch puts the abs in a stretched position to start the exercise, increasing the effective range of motion of the movement.



Two Dumbbell Ball Twists

Small Ball Crunches

Develop incredible anti-rotational deep core strength and stability with this resistance-based abdominal exercise.



Weight Plate Steering Wheel Rolls

Weight Plate Steering Wheel Rolls

Think of this exercise as a dynamic plank. It hits the same stabilizing muscles as the plank but with a rotational component to shift the focus to a variety of different muscles and muscle fibers.



Dumbbell Throw-Up and Catch

Dumbbell Throw-Up and Catch

If you're looking for a GREAT oblique exercise that targets core support and explosive work, this is one you're definitely going to want to try. Terrible name but excellent exercise.



Abdominal Exercise Tips, Tricks and Training Techniques

Do Crunches With Your Feet on the Wall

Do Crunches With Your Feet on the Wall

This is a very simple way to increase the resistance of the standard crunch. Involving the legs in this fashion allows you to target your own increase in resistance as you need it.







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