One of the major problems when it comes to quad training is how to minimize glute the quads but keep the glutes smaller.
That's why I came up with THIS's a two-pronged movement that mashes up two separate exercises into a single set: an In-Set Superset.
I just LOVE this training technique. I find it to be incredibly effective for muscle building, since it hits the muscle from multiple angles in one set with no rest at all.
For this one, you'll be doing a Barbell Hack Squat exercise in between reps of which you'll be doing an exercise I call a Braced Leg Squat.
You'll need a rack for this one because of how you need to brace your legs and lift the barbell for the hack squat.
So first, set the safety rails in the rack to a point just below the bend in your knees. Next, set a barbell on the rails and brace it up against the back uprights of the rack.
I have just 135 lbs on the bar for this one...because of the double-up tension, you don't need a whole lot of weight when you're doing this one.
Stand just in front of the bar with your legs on the other side of it so that your bodyweight is pushing the bar against the uprights of the rack. Squat down a bit and grip the bar, just beside your legs.
Now you start the Braced Leg Squat...with your lower legs braced, this tends to put most of the tension of the bodyweight squat directly onto the quads (especially the lower quads). Come down deep into the squat.
Now squat up from that bottom position then, while still keeping bent at the hips, shift your torso forward over the bar and begin the barbell hack squat movement. That means basically standing up with the bar coming up the back of your legs.
Come all the way up until you're standing up.
One thing to note when you're doing the barbell hack squat, a little rounding over of the back is natural. You basically have to do it in order to actually perform the's another reason to keep the weight fairly light.
Now come back down and set the bar back on the rails and make sure it's braced against the uprights. Then come down into the braced leg squat and repeat the pattern.
By the time you finish your set, your quads will be on FIRE and completely pumped up with blood.
This is a deadly finishing exercise for those quads that can really help you get the legs you want.
Another excellent quad-focused exercise is the Barbell Cursing Lunge.
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