In-Set Supersets of Bent-Over Rows and Deadlifts

If you want a complete physique, you simply MUST work your back as a big priority.

Chest and arms are great, but if you don't want to disappear when you turn sideways, you NEED a thick back. And honestly, back development is one of the best ways to judge if somebody is a serious trainer or not.

Nick Nilsson Back Training

Productive back training is tough and challenging and, since it's not a mirror/beach muscle, you don't get nearly the same visual feedback as you do with chest and arm training. It makes it that much tougher for some people to find the motivation to work the back hard.

Not me.

I LOVE back training.

And the exercise combination I've got for you today is reserved for those who ALSO love back training.


This is an In-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and Deadlifts.

You will be gripping the bar with a moderate-width overhand grip for both exercises, never taking your hands off the bar for the duration of the set.



Use a moderate weight for this combo...something you can normally do for at least 8 to 10 reps on the Barbell Row. It'll be a light weight for your deadlift, which is the idea. We're not looking to challenge your deadlift strength...we're looking to challenge the muscles that those two exercises have in COMMON, which are the upper back muscles (primarily).

By alternating reps of these two exercises, you'll be putting tension from several different angles on the upper back in one set, which is ideal for targeting a complex area like the upper back.

Here's what it looks like...

Start with the deadlift - it's not quite a snatch grip on the bar but it is a little wider than normal. It should be a double overhand grip.

In-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and DeadliftsIn-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and DeadliftsIn-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and Deadlifts

Touch the bar to the floor then immediately go into the barbell row. Try not to relax the tension in your upper back during this transition. The more tension we can keep on the upper back muscles, the better.

In-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and DeadliftsIn-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and DeadliftsIn-Set Superset for your back, alternating reps of Bent-Over Barbell Rows and Deadlifts

When doing the barbell row, be sure to keep an arch in your lower back, especially as you row the bar up. This is important for activating the upper back muscles (rhomboids, teres major, middle traps, etc.).

Perform one rep, touch the bar down to the floor then go immediately to another rep of the deadlift.

Then another rep of the row.

Repeat until you can't get any more reps with good form on the row.

Then do as many MORE reps as you can on the deadlift (I know, I'm cruel) until you can't hang onto the bar anymore or you can't do another deadlift rep.


Your upper back will be pumped up and basically on FIRE at this point.

It's at this point, when you have this feeling, that you will understand why back training can be so much fun!.

Learn how to perform Stiff-Legged Deadlift partials for powerful upper back development.



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