The Two Supplements You Need to Kick Off The New Year

Want to get healthy in the New Year? Smart supplementation can dramatically improve your health with very little time cost.

And two of the first supplements I always recommend for people looking to improve their health in the New Year are a good "greens" supplement and a good protein supplement.

Even a high-quality diet can be lacking in certain nutrients, not only because it's hard to eat enough of certain types of food but because food just doesn't contain the same level of nutrients that it used to.


Greens = Nutritional Insurance

A good greens supplement provides you with a wide spectrum of nutrients that you may not be getting in your diet.

If you're like most people (me included), you have a certain set of favorite foods that you eat on almost a daily basis. While there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, that lack of variety can lead to you not getting enough of some nutrients (magnesium is a good example of this).

By supplementing with a greens powder, you cover your nutritional bases so that you don't have to worry about missing any key nutrients.

This preserves and improves your health so that your body can function optimally and your immune system keeps running strong.


Protein is for strength, muscle AND health...

If you're training hard, you know you need protein for recovery and muscle growth.

What you may not know is that protein is a critical component of your immune system as well. Without adequate protein intake (and this is especially an issue for vegans), your immune system can't function at a high level because it doesn't have the raw materials to work with.

"A deficiency of dietary protein or amino acids has long been known to impair immune function and increase the susceptibility of animals and humans to infectious disease." - Amino Acids and Immune Function, Br J Nutr. 2007 Aug;98(2):237-52.

A good protein supplement can even help you manage food cravings!


To best support your health in the New Year, take BOTH.

If one of your major goals in the New Year is to improve your health, the simple act of taking greens and protein can set you up for success.

You will still have to eat well and exercise, of course, however these two supplements can give you a strong nutritional base to support your efforts.

The brand I recommend very highly that covers both of these categories is Organifi.

They offer a very high-quality, complete, vegan protein powder that gives you the full range of amino acids you need for optimal results (single-source vegan proteins don't offer the full-range of aminos you need).

Green Juice from Organifi is an excellent greens supplement, covering a wide spectrum, it has a nice, almost minty taste to it so it goes down really easily.


Here's what's in the Organifi products...

This is the Green Juice supplement...


This is the protein supplement (chocolate flavor)...



Do you NEED supplements to be healthy?

You don't...however, they can definitely help a LOT.

For me, I would rather make sure I've got what I need nutritionwise via smart supplementation rather than trying to figure out how to get what I need from food alone. Like most people, I tend to gravitate towards certain foods that I eat regularly...and I'm sure I'm missing certain nutrients in those foods.

So if that means I need to take a few simple, great-tasting supplements during the day to cover my bases for optimal health, then that's something I'm more than happy to do!

And Organifi has some of the highest-quality products on the market today.

Check out the full line of Organifi products here...


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