How Greens Supplements Increase Estrogen In Men

By Chad Howse
Creator of Man Greens


Want to know what the best greens supplement for men is? It’s not the one you’re using right now, I can tell you that…

It’s well known that people who eat more fruits and vegetables live longer, healthier lives.

Study after study proves this. It’s men, primarily, who don’t get enough of them, and busy men like yourself, who don’t have the time to prepare greens and end up not getting enough of the nutrients within them.

How Greens Supplements Increase Estrogen In Men

These nutrients not only help you have more energy, keep you healthy so you can work harder and longer, but they help boost libido and in some cases help you increase testosterone by blocking estrogen and cortisol and helping with the health of your cells and other hormones.

This is why the greens industry is growing rapidly, and it’s a great thing, in theory, that more men are getting enough greens through these wonderful concoctions.

There is, however, one very big problem:


99.9% of Greens Powders Increase Estrogen in Men

If you have a greens supplement, I highly suggest you take a look at the ingredients that are to come.

The vast majority of greens powders contain one or all of them, even the ‘good ones’, the ones not hiding behind ‘proprietary blends’, which allows them to have less than 1% of the amount of an ingredient necessary to see the benefits, but still have them on the label for marketing purposes.

Here we go…



Flax and flax products (seeds, oils) are incredibly popular and marketed as a health supplement in their own right, which has lead to supplement companies including them in greens supplements because of the market awareness of the customer base. The problem, obviously, is that flax increases estrogen maybe more than any other food.

Flax are very dense in compounds called “lignans”. Lignans aren’t only estrogenic, but some studies have shown that they reduce overall and free testosterone levels. Lignans increase SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) which binds “free testosterone” rendering it useless, unable to move freely throughout the body and do what testosterone does (repairs tissue, among other things).



In an Indian study, researchers gave 3 groups of rats different amounts of green tea. They had a mild dosage, moderate dosage, and a high dosage. There have been other studies done on the effects of green tea on the testosterone levels of rats, but this one was the most interesting.

The findings were pretty incredible. The three groups saw declines in testosterone levels being greater with each increase in dosage: -25% in the mild group, -60% in the moderate group, and -78% in the high group.

Try Man Greens, the ONLY Greens Supplement Formulated for Male Performance



The claims that greens companies use with mint is that it can help with sleep quality (borderline at best), indigestion, and cramps. What they don’t tell you is that, while more research is needed, mint appears to lower testosterone levels, reducing total testosterone levels by a whopping 53% in one study done on rats, and free testosterone levels by an incredible 30% in a study with women.



We talked about the lignans in Flaxseeds as one of the forms of phytoestrogens, well, alfalfa has another form of phytoestrogen called coumestans. Having the highest concentration of coumestans makes alfalfa highly estrogenic, yet you’ll find it in a myriad of different greens supplements.

Again, it’s all about market awareness. Like Flaxseeds people think that Alfalfa is great for you, ignorant of the estrogenic properties and the fact that there are other things that provide greater benefits that don’t have the phytoestrogens that alfalfa has (like spirulina).


What Should You Do Instead?

To get enough greens by cooking them, you’re going to spend around an hour a day preparing and 30-45 minutes a day eating.

Or, you can use Man Greens.

Not only does Man Greens NOT have any estrogenic ingredients, but it has ingredients that block estrogen, lower cortisol (your stress hormone that lowers your testosterone levels), and a special formula of herbs that have been proven to increase your testosterone levels.

No proprietary blends.

Full bioavailable amounts of important ingredients.

Great orange flavor.

Only 1 scoop needed per day to reach your daily amount of greens and to increase your testosterone levels by almost 540%.

Man Greens



Estrogenic Foods

  • Turner J, Agatonovic-Kustrin S, Glass B. Molecular aspects of phytoestrogen selective binding at estrogen receptors. J Pharm Sci. 2007;96(8):1879-1885.


  • Lignans Thompson L, Robb P, Serraino M, Cheung F. Mammalian lignan production from various foods. Nutr Cancer. 1991;16(1):43-52.
  • Denis L, Morton M, Griffiths K. Diet and its preventive role in prostatic disease. Eur Urol. 1999;35(5-6):377-387.




  • Akdogan M, Ozguner M, Kocak A, Oncu M, Cicek E. Effects of peppermint teas on plasma testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone levels and testicular tissue in rats. Urology. 2004;64(2):394-398.
  • Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti‐androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. a randomized controlled trial. Online Library. Accessed February 3, 2017.

Learn more about Man Greens here.



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