Bulletproof Supplements Review

"Bulletproof" is a company that started based on the concept of "Bulletproof Coffee"...

This essentially entailed adding MCT's and grass-fed butter to your coffee for the goal of sustained energy via healthy fats. I'm not going to get into the merits (or non-merits) of that entire concept here...

I was more curious to test out some of the OTHER products that Bulletproof offered, separate from coffee, primarily since I don't like coffee and never drink it!

Bulletproof offers a wide array of Keto-friendly products, three of which I've tested out and reviewed here.


#1 - Bulletproof Collagen Protein Review

Collagen is critically important for joints, skin and connective tissue. It provides the raw materials for your body to work with for the structural elements of your body. Collagen supplementation has become highly popular in the past few years because of this.

Bulletproof Collagen contains a good amount of collagen per serving (2 scoops is a serving).

I think it's a good overall collagen product, but not outstanding.

It does have a higher fat content than other collagen proteins that only have the protein in them, so it's more appropriate for Keto types of diets, as it will provide you with extra fat for fuel (not a "fat bomb" size of serving but a few grams, at least).

I tested the chocolate flavor and it was good. Again, not outstanding but good.

For me personally, I would go with a plain collagen protein with pretty much nothing else in it, but that's just me. I'm not doing a Keto diet at the moment, so the extra fat wasn't really a benefit to me.

If you're on a Keto diet, this would be a very appropriate and good supplement to add to your regiment, to help you maintain joint and skin strength and quality.

Check out Bulletproof Collagen here.

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Review

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Review



#2 - Bulletproof Greens Review

The Bulletproof "Greens" supplement is an excellent product.

It has a solid spectrum of nutrients, with everything from whole powdered fruits and vegetables, to mushrooms (which are good for your immune system and nervous system), nootropics (for your brain and nervous system), and digestive support nutrients (probiotics and digestive enzymes).

The taste of it is quite good as well. It's not "grassy."

As well, even though the "Bulletproof" brand focuses a lot on healthy fats, this product doesn't add any extra fat into it.

It's defintiely a solid "greens" supplement and well worth using..click here to learn more.

Bulletproof Greens Review

Bulletproof Greens Review



#3 - Bulletproof Innerfuel Prebiotic Review

Almost everybody is familiar with probiotics at this point...the bacteria that live inside your gut that assist with digestion and affect overally health, immunity and mood.

What you may not have heard of is that for optimal results with probiotics, you also need to FUEL them...by giving them more of the food they like to eat.

And that means PRE-biotics.

Unlike some fiber- or psyllium based produts, the specific ingredients in this one are gentle on the gut while supporting your bacterial microbiome (environment).

The fiber will keep you feeling satiated longer while also helping to manage blood sugar, making it an ideal supplement for fat loss.

As well, if you're doing a Keto type of diet, this will, quite frankly, help you poop. Keto diets that are low in fiber can make you more prone to constipation. This will fix that by making it easier for waste to move through.

This is an EXCELLENT supplement for anybody (especially those with bathroom issues), but particularly for those doing a low-carb eating plan.

Learn more about Bulletproof InnerFuel Prebiotic here.

Bulletproof Prebiotic Review

Bulletproof Prebiotic Review


The Bottom Line on Bulletproof Supplements

You don't have to prescribe to the concept of butter in your coffee to benefit from the Bulletproof line of supplements.

They have a wide selection of Keto-friendly products that can absolutely help you improve your fitness results and stay healthier just in general.

They source quality ingredients and the formulas are well thought out.

Check out the full line of Bulletproof Supplements here.



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