7 Ways to Recover From Travel Fatigue

By Stella Evans

Travelling is something most people look forward to, but it is all too easy to overdo it when on holiday or if you have to travel for business.

It can be tempting to try to cram every sightseeing tour into every second of the time available, but this often leads to feeling exhausted and once back, it may feel as if you have never been away.

5 Ways to Recover from Travel Fatigue

A little planning and preparation helps to combat stress and fatigue. Even the best laid plans can go wrong so it is important to find alternate solutions so to be one step ahead. It can be as simple as having a schedule laid out and some tried and tested methods to help keep energy levels topped up.

Here are 5 great ways in which to combat travel fatigue:


1. Stretching Exercises

Yoga can be useful when travelling. It’s a lifestyle system rather than just being a series of exercises and it can be easily adapted to travel and to a lack of space. The following three postures work well to increase circulation and to offset stress while increasing flexibility.

Triangle pose - this is a very simple pose which helps to ground emotionally. It enables the blood to flow through the legs and stimulates the pelvic floor. Hold the pose for five continuous breaths.  With feet hip-width apart, lift the arms parallel to the floor and then, bend to the left, holding the pose and then, return to the upright position before repeating by bending to the right.


2. Standing Forward Bend

This is a very simple posture where you bend forward, folding the upper torso towards the ground. It is important to pull in the abdomen and to relax in this posture letting gravity do its work. Remain within this pose for five breaths. It reduces lower back pain, improves circulation throughout the body and can be used prior to travelling, during the vacation and importantly, needs very little space.


3. Camel Pose

Camel pose is perfect when space is limited.  It can be practiced on the bed to help support the knees. Begin in a kneeling up position and arch backwards, holding the heels of the feet for balance. Push the hips forward. Hold for five breaths and then, relax. It’s a wonderful pose for calming the mind so is excellent for fatigue. It also reduces lower back pain ideal if having to sit for a long time and reduces tension.   


4. Get Appropriate Sleep

It can be difficult to sleep well if feeling mentally and physically fatigued while travelling. Many people find it difficult to relax fully when in a strange room or away from traditional home comforts. Make the place more familiar by going to bed at the same time as usual if possible or, by adding a few drops of lavender oil to the pillow. This is conducive to good sleep. Breathing techniques also help to calm mind and body so can be used when tired. Another aid to sleep is to take a cooling shower in the evening as this triggers the release of melatonin in the body.


5. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness enables a clear approach helping to deal with any issues that may occur, so when travel plans go awry, there is clarity of mind to deal with the issues. More time is spent in the moment enabling you to fully experience all that is happening and to relax. This maximizes time and offsets stress. When the mind is clearer, it is easier to plan travels more effectively and it energizes too. As many people live in such a distracted state of being, mindfulness helps make travel pleasurable.  

6. Drink Plenty of Water

Travelling is tiring but sometimes, fatigue occurs due to being dehydrated. As the body is approximately 60% water all the vital systems of the body need to be kept hydrated. When dehydrated, feeling sluggish or fatigued follows. When travelling, it’s easy to forget to drink the required amount of water or to reduce fluids due to worrying about taking bathroom breaks while on the road. Ultimately, the body needs water to be able to function correctly.


7. Have Healthy Food

Eating properly while away is also imperative, although it is tempting to eat ready-made foods while on the go, it does mean that not all aspects of nutrition is taken in. This can easily lower the immune function leaving you susceptible to illness. Good nutrition helps to energize, so try taking some nutritious snacks with you and this will help keep energy levels up until you have a proper meal.



Travelling can be extremely stressful on mind and body but, as it also requires a lot of time spent sitting, this can lead to muscle strain and stress, so, it is wise to try to go with the flow. By planning, and double-checking for all eventualities, this can make travel enjoyable rather than stressful and it is easier to offset travel fatigue.



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