Exercises To Sculpt Those Hard-To-Reach Muscles In Your Butt


By Noah Markin

You've probably done thousands of squats and lunges, yet you still haven't sculpted your butt the way you wanted to. This is going to fix that...

If you want to work the whole gluteus complex, you have to move in every direction, not just up and down. Side-to-side movements are essential to building a lean and firm butt.

But which exercises are perfect for you, and how many reps are required to get the best bottom? Here are some exercises to include in your workout to achieve stronger glutes.

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Exercises To Sculpt Those Hard-To-Reach Muscles In Your Butt

Benefits of stronger butt muscles

Before we begin, let’s talk about some benefits that you may have from exercising your glutes (and we do not only mean the aesthetic ones).

For example, having strong butt muscles can make your whole body much more powerful, and it may strengthen your endurance for sprinting, jumping, and climbing. It can also help you with healthier knee joints and protect you from back pain.

A strong butt will also give you more stamina, thus enhancing your athletic performance. It helps to reduce fatigue and makes you more energized each day.

1.   Banded Side Plank Clamshell

This is an advanced butt exercise that targets gluteus medius and minimus. They are smaller and less potent than gluteus maximus; therefore, they get a lot less attention and can be neglected during workouts. If you include this exercise in your plan, you will make sure that they grow together with Maximus. This exercise is also suitable for strengthening your knee ligaments, especially in running and landing situations.

2. Banded Hip Raise

This is an exercise that targets gluteus maximus, and it can increase the activation of both medius and minimus. Hip raises are always good for increasing your muscle recruitment. The tension at hip extension will force the muscles to stay contracted, which makes all the muscles in the butt engage and grow over time.

3. Monster Walk

This is a dynamic exercise that activates medius and minimus. It can be done in all directions and will have the same effect on your butt. This is a fantastic exercise for beginners, since it is engaging and fun, and it teaches beginners, athletes, how to utilize butt muscles properly. When done correctly, this exercise can help to reinforce core stability.

4. Step Up

This is a leg exercise that targets all gluteus muscles, as well as quadriceps. It is a great exercise that promotes good leg strength and increases the power of butt muscles.

Note that the higher the step up, the more profound the flexion, which can result in greater demand from your glutes, thus increasing your strength further. This exercise improves control over your movements as well as coordination while doing weight training.

The Step up is also an excellent exercise for runners because, unlike some stationary activities, it promotes movement and balance.

5. Bulgarian Split Squats

This exercise is a variation of split squats that requires better t balance and leg muscle strength than a standard split squat. In this exercise, the lifter places the back leg on a raised object and puts all the tension on his front legs. Bulgarian split squats reinforce gluteus medius and minimus engagement in knees and hips stabilization. It may also be used to increase the demands on leg muscles, thus strengthening your legs with less risk of injury.

6. The Back Extension

This exercise is well-known for helping to increase muscular endurance in hamstrings, lower back, and glutes. If you find this exercise too hard, there are several alternatives for you to warm you up for it like Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, Reverse Hyperextensions, or Romanian Deadlifts.



If you are not as active, and your glutes are notwll-trained, a focus on mobility and activation of the muscles is a better choice for your glutes to start with.

You may also include squats! Yes, they are not the best exercise for butt, but they can help, especially if you incorporate more variations like banded squats. Although it is not the best option for making your butt big and bubbly, it can do really well as a warm-up exercise and help you prepare your body for much more demanding workouts.

Once you go to squat, make sure you are strongly contracting and squeezing your glutes at the top of the squat and fully hitting the depth at the bottom.

To summarize, there are many more effective options if you want to activate and grow your butt muscles than lunges and squats. Anything that will make your glutes burn is a great exercise, such as hip thrusts, glute bridges, and back extensions.


Author Bio: Noah Markin is an extremely boring person, according to his mates. He likes writing and lifting heavy things all day long. He’s the editor of Runnerclick.com.





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