Creatine and Hair Loss: Everything You Need to Know


There’s no doubt about the fact that creatine is quite a popular supplement for sports and nutrition. Some people have suggested that using creatine could potentially result in hair loss.

So, how true is this claim?

Creatine and Hair Loss


Research On Hair Loss And Creatine

To be completely upfront - there isn’t that much research that directly points to hair loss being caused by intake of creatine supplements. In fact, according to HairGuard, most of the evidence for a causal link between hair loss and creatine is largely anecdotal. To be more precise, this means that all of it stems from individual experiences and people’s testimonies; instead of empirically proven clinical trials. 

That being said, in 2009 there was a study conducted on college rugby players who were on a creatine regimen. And after taking the supplement for around three weeks, the researchers registered that the rugby players had increased levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This is a hormone that other experiments have linked to hair loss.


DHT Levels And Creatine

Let’s take a look at what DHT actually is. In short, this is a hormone that is a derivative product of testosterone; while also being more potent. So, how does DHT influence hair loss?

Hair glands have a life cycle of their own. There is a phase of rest that comes after hair growth, and it’s followed by the hair falling out. Bear in mind, this is the usual and normal cycle of life of human hair. But that’s where DHT comes in - it’s prone to binding to particular receptors found in the hair follicles. As a result, the hir could become shorter and thinner, with a briefer life cycle. And because of that, fewer hairs will grow than the number of those that fall out. 

Before considering whether creatine monohydrate and DHT will influence your hair loss, remember that certain people are just genetically predisposed to suffering from hair loss. There is a gene referred to as AR, which is known to lead to speed up the metabolism of the hair follicles’ hormone receptors; also leading to more frequent hair loss. 


Creatine Effects

Remember that study of rugby players we’ve mentioned above? Well, after using creatine to build muscles for three weeks, their DHT levels rose by more than 50%. At the same time, their testosterone levels weren’t altered; meaning that the increased DHT levels were likely the result of creatine intake.

Though, it’s also important to mention that the researchers working on the project did not actually register any hair loss among the participants during the observation period. With that in mind, it’s not possible to conclude that creatine causes hair loss by itself.

However, there is no doubt about the fact that creatine did cause a spike in DHT levels. And seeing as DHT is proven to catalyze hair loss; using creatine could potentially put you at risk of that, especially if you’ve got the genetic predisposition. 

At the end of the day, one thing is certain - there more detailed research is needed before a conclusion can be reached on the correlation between creatine and DHT levels. It should also be explored whether creatine supplements increase DHT levels on a scale large enough to actually cause hair loss without other factors. 


What Is Creatine?

In short, creatine is an energy source for your muscles. And it’s present even if you don’t take supplements; your kidneys, pancreas, and liver all produce creatine. Also, you acquire it by ingesting fish and red meat. Then, your skeletal muscles store it in the form of phosphocreatine. Later on, while doing physical activities, your muscles break this down for energy used in muscle movements. 

And when you take creatine-based supplements, your muscles are able to gain more energy; thus working more efficiently. Many athletes take creatine while working to build their muscle mass, leading to better performance. These days, you can take creatine in a wide variety of forms, such as tablets, liquids, and powders. 


Safety Of Creatine

Its effects on hair loss aside, creatine is actually one of the most widely studied athletic supplements out there. And when individuals take it in appropriate, reasonable doses, it’s completely safe. The International Sports Nutrition Society made an official statement on creatine in 2007, marking it as “ethical, effective, and safe” to use. 

There haven’t been many recent creatine studies regarding its long-term use. But, older studies conducted at the turn of the century indicate that athletes had no adverse effects from prolonged intake of the supplement. 


Adolescent Use of Creatine

With the above being said, adolescents should take more care while considering the usage of creatine. Bear in mind that most studies that have been conducted on the safety of creatine were done with post-adolescence individuals in mind. Because of this, adolescents would be wise to consult with a physician before taking creatine. 


Dealing With Hair Loss

As you may have surmised from above, taking creatine does not directly result in noticeable hair loss. However, if you do notice substantial and prolonged hair loss, definitely make sure to consult a doctor. 

In many cases, hair loss causes are fairly treatable. And a knowledgable physician will be able to help you diagnose the problems causing your hair loss; if there is a treatment for the underlying causes, a doctor will help you find them. That’s especially true if your hair loss is quite patchy or sudden; indicating acute rather than chronic issues.


To conclude - health-wise, creatine is completely safe for usage by adults. But seeing as it may increase your DHT levels, those predisposed to hair loss should think twice before using it, and definitely consult a doctor first.





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