Can CBD Strengthen Your Immune System?

By Jessica McFly

The number of diseases that have become difficult to treat or even manage is on the rise globally.

An increasing number of people find themselves taking various medications just to stay healthy. This is because their immunity is compromised or too weak to fight infections.
You need to boost your immune system to keep it strong, especially as you age. Eating a proper diet is one of the best ways of strengthening your immunity. Supplements are also useful in boosting the immune system.

Researchers now believe that CBD has beneficial effects on the immune system. CBD is one of the cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp plants. This natural remedy is also sold as oil, powder, or paste that can be incorporated into your diet. Besides, you can get high-quality CBD oil Canada has online and from physical dispensaries as well.
Studies on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) show that this complex pathway plays a critical role in immuno-cannabinoid modulation. ECS contains cannabinoid receptors known as CB1 and CB2, which act as a signaling pathway for endocannabinoids.
Science has proved the role of endocannabinoids in disease prevention. The similarity of the endocannabinoids and CBD informs the belief that CBD could be beneficial. But how exactly does CBD boost immunity?


3 Facts on How CBD Can Boost Immunity

1. Anti-Inflammatory Response

Traditional societies used marijuana as a medicinal plant for various ailments, including pain. While it was not possible to isolate CBD at the time, it is evident that some compounds within the plant could alleviate pain.
With modern scientific technology and advanced studies, scientists have been able to identify over 600 compounds, including more than 60 cannabinoids in marijuana. CBD Canada is one of the best-known cannabinoids.
When the body detects pain or injury, the immune response is mediated. The process often leads to inflammation to protect the affected area.
After the threat is eliminated, the body’s immune system stops the inflammation through an anti-inflammatory mechanism. Studies now show that CBD also has the same anti-inflammatory effects as the immune system.
CBD binds to cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Its action on these receptors reduces cytokine and chemokine production while at the same time inhibits T-cell function. Cytokines are molecules produced by the immune system to initiate inflammation.
The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD have shown significant results in clinical application. Chronic inflammation is known to trigger conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, and asthma.
CBD can be beneficial in the treatment of conditions like cancer, and studies for other immune-related conditions are still ongoing. 
man drinking from droplet


2. Immunomodulating Effect

CBD plays a complex balancing act on the immune system. It suppresses and modulates the immune system at the same time.
Autoimmune studies show that CBD affects the actions of T cells and B cells, as well as T helper and T cytotoxic lymphocyte cells. This way, CBD modulates the immune response in autoimmune conditions.
CBD also promotes the activities of a type of white blood cells called natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells play a critical role in the fight of viruses.
CBD also raises the response of natural killer T cells, which are also beneficial in the immune repose to diseases. Researchers have shown that these properties give CBD its benefits in the management of conditions such as HIV.


3. Neurogenesis and Neurodegeneration

For a long time, there were controversies regarding the effects of CBD on the brain. Recent studies now support the neuroprotective actions of CBD through its anti-inflammatory properties.
Neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are acerbated by inflammatory mediators from neurons and other brain cells. Plaques that lead to AD are expressed in the same CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors as CBD.
Studies on animal models show that when exposed to CBD, brain cells have an increased level of survival when subjected to the β-amyloid peptide. β-amyloid peptide normally accelerates cell death.
CBD also inhibits nitrite production and the expression of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) protein. Additionally, the Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase enzyme is vital in the protection of the brain against oxidative stress. CBD also contributes to the up-regulation of mRNA levels in this enzyme.
These results show that CBD has a beneficial role in neuroprotection. While these benefits of CBD are proven facts, their application in humans is still in initial stages.



CBD is one of the beneficial cannabinoids that works with the endocannabinoid system to boost your immunity. It binds with receptors to influence various immune responses that are under the control of the endocannabinoid system.

The effects of CBD on this system are currently being utilized in research and treatment of various autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, HIV, and many more.

Adding CBD to your routine is no doubt one of the best ways of boosting your immunity. But make sure to do your research and consult widely to strengthen your immunity in a safe way. 



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