How A Low-Carb Diet Will Help You To Lose Abdominal Fat


By Jane Sandwood


Women with waist measurements of 35 inches or greater are likely to carry a potentially risky quantity of abdominal fat, according to the New York Times.

For men, there may be health risks when waist sizes are 40 inches or greater. Low-carb diets are renowned for their capacity to spark weight loss in the abdominal area.

If you’re looking for a diet plan that will complement your fitness program and help you to reduce health risks related to excess belly fat (and get washboard abs), learning about low-carbohydrate diets can be incredibly worthwhile.

How A Low-Carb Diet Will Help You To Lose Abdominal Fat


Why is excess belly fat dangerous?

When it comes to the belly area, there is an inner layer of fat which is known as intra-abdominal fat or visceral fat. This inner layer isn’t the fat that can be pinched. The pinchable fat is an outer layer of fat called subcutaneous fat. The inner layer of fat is situated in internal organs. It also surrounds internal organs.

This inner belly fat may cause health risks, because it triggers the release of inflammatory compounds, as well as hormones which may cause harm. Deep belly fat (intra-abdominal fat) is considered biologically active.

The inflammatory compounds and hormones which are released by visceral belly fat have the power to trigger unwanted changes in our metabolisms, which boost the risk of dementia, Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. 

Belly fat may also cause hypertension (high blood pressure), raise the risk of cancer, trigger sleep problems and play a role in the development of symptoms of depression. The likelihood of having excess abdominal fat is dependent on a range of variables, including diet, exercise, genetics and hormones.

Higher-than-average levels of stress are also linked with the development of belly fat. Metabolic syndromes and insulin resistance syndrome may also be caused by excess abdominal fat. People with larger waist circumferences tend to have more inner belly fat. When a person loses belly fat, both the outer and inner layers of fat will be reduced. Even those with slender frames, who carry extra pounds only in their belly regions, are susceptible to health problems due to excess belly fat.


How do low-carb diets fix the problem?

Low-carb diets make it easier to get sleek, fit abs that enhance self-confidence. They also make it simpler to avoid the health risks associated with deep belly fat. Numerous scientific studies back up the fact that low-carb diets allow people to lose two to three times the amount of weight that they would lose if they chose low-fat diets.

One study, which was published in The Journal of Nutrition, showed that low-carbohydrate diets target belly fat, including intra-abdominal fat that is found in organs.

Examples of low-carb diets include the Keto Diet and the Atkins Diet. Debate about Keto vs. Atkins is all over the Web, but both diets help to reduce belly fat. These diets work by putting bodies into a state known as ketosis.

Ketosis is a metabolic process whereby the body utilizes fat as its major energy source, rather than using glucose (carbs). During ketosis, your body will break down stores of fat to use as energy, rather than converting muscle cells and fat cells into glucose, at a slow pace, in order to access energy.

Ketosis will occur when there isn’t enough glucose on hand. Diets like Atkins and Keto get fat-burning results due to their capacity to initiate and maintain ketosis. Some people find that they’re able to lose a lot more weight, including outer belly fat and deep belly fat, by following these famous diets. 


How low should carb counts go?

To put your body into ketosis, whereby your appetite is significantly dulled, and your body begins to burn mostly fats for fuel, you should consume fewer than 50 grams of carbs daily. The typical Western diet has many more daily carb grams than this, so adjusting to the low-carb lifestyle is a big change for many people. For best results, stick to foods that aren’t processed. A clean low-carb diet will offer the biggest payoff in terms of weight loss and holistic, whole-body health.


To get started with a low-carb diet, read up on Atkins or Keto and follow instructions from reliable sources.

Another option is gradually cutting carbs until you’re more comfortable eating that way. Once you’ve begun to restrict carbs, you may want to do so more dramatically, in order to push your body into ketosis.

Examples of foods that are commonly consumed on low-carb diets include eggs, meats, fats (olive oil, coconut oil), dairy products and veggies with very low carb counts. To master a low-carb diet, look up the carb counts for your favorite foods. If the carb counts are too high, find low-carb substitutes. 

Now that you know why carrying a lot of inner belly fat is risky for your health, and why low-carb diets make it easier to get rid of abdominal fat, you may want to embark on a low-carb diet journey.

If you’ve spent a lot of time training in the gym and your abs aren’t quite what you want them to be, you may find that cutting carbs is the secret of getting the “six-pack” that you’ve always wanted. Low-carb diets raise the odds of getting sleek and sexy abs.





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