Finding Time to Exercise Amidst A Busy Schedule

By Jane Sandwood


Time is not only precious but also the one thing in life we definitely don’t have enough of. 

We know that exercise is of vital importance for our wealth yet between work and taking care of our families, it often seems like we just don’t have the time to prioritize our own wellbeing

As many as 50% of American adults don’t get enough exercise according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with a total of 30% not exercising at all during their spare time.  Despite having a very busy schedule there are a number of ways, such as the following, to include exercise into your daily routines without having to put aside hours at a time to do so.


Squeeze in a workout while watching TV

Can’t unwind without indulging in some TV before bedtime? No problem! Instead of sitting on the couch with a bowl of crisps you can engage in some quick exercises that can boost your fitness levels significantly.  During the average commercial break, you should easily be able to fit in at least 20 squats, 15 mountain climbers, 5 burpees and 10 push-ups.

If you have an elliptical trainer, treadmill or exercise bike you can easily burn some calories while watching a movie or catching the game. As soon as you stop making excuses why you can’t exercise you will find it easier to consciously make the time to get active.



Exercise during your lunch break

If your office is located near a gym, pop out for a quick workout that will do wonders for your overall health, including decreasing your risk of heart disease and boosting your mental clarity.  While most gyms do offer super circuit training that allows you to get a decent workout in a short period of time, you can also compile your own routine according to the amount of time you have available.

By doing a range of strength exercises such as squats, single-leg squats, push-ups, tricep dips and seated bicycle crunches for 60 seconds each followed by 2 minutes of mountain climbers and seated skaters you will end up with 10 minutes of complete body training which is less time than it takes you to drink a cup of coffee.

Even if you aren’t able to go to a gym in your lunch break you can still get moving by going for a brisk walk, climbing some stairs or even doing squats and lunges in the restroom.


Sign up for a fun class

If you find something you can relish in, you are less likely to come up with excuses why you can’t go through with it (such as not having enough time). Look for something you enjoy such as dancing, martial arts, water aerobics or spinning and sign up for a class.

Exercise With a Busy Schedule

Not only will you benefit extensively from the physical activity but your social life can get a pleasant boost as well from engaging with like-minded people in a healthy environment. Signing up and paying for a class upfront will also reduce the chance of you pulling out at the last minute as no one can afford to let money go to waste in this day and age.


 Skip the elevator and take the stairs

Whether at the office or out and about shopping, taking the stairs instead of the elevator can be of immense benefit to you. Climbing stairs increase your heart rate which helps protect against weight gain, blocked arteries and elevated blood pressure which in turns, reduces the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. 

Stair climbing is also extremely beneficial to the lower half of your body including your hips, hamstrings, calves, and glutes, strengthening your muscles and improving your bone density and muscular tone. Even climbing up and down two flights of stairs a day will significantly boost your fitness efforts and contribute towards a healthier, happier you.


Anything is better than nothing

Revolutionist Edward Burke once said: “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”  A lot of people are under the impression that if they can’t exercise for a solid hour or more, they might as well not exercise at all, which is simply not true.

Any exercise, even a 5-minute walk, is significantly more valuable than being sedentary for the same. Introduce small, manageable changes to your lifestyle, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator and doing leg stretches and ankle rolls while sitting at your desk. It might help to start setting aside a certain amount of time for physical activity a day and then slowly increasing it until you can incorporate at least an hour of exercise into your daily schedule.

Finding time to exercise may seem daunting but you will be surprised how much you can actually do in a single once you start trying. Once you get moving you will find yourself feeling more invigorated and alive than ever before which will not only improve your health but your productivity levels as well, leaving you with more time to exercise even more.



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