Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review


Stationary bikes aren't just for the gym! Performing low-intensity cardio training while doing something else (multitasking) can be a gamechanger for your fat loss and fitness results.

Using a stationary bike under your desk offers numerous benefits, combining physical activity with the reality of a sedentary work environment. This innovative approach allows you to perform continuous low-intensity exercise, which can significantly improve cardiovascular health, enhance mood, and increase overall productivity.

This type of low-intensity steady-state cardio (LISS) is excellent for fat loss as well!

Integrating a stationary bike into your workspace also helps combat the negative effects of prolonged sitting, such as back pain and decreased circulation.

Additionally, it fosters better focus and energy levels throughout the workday, making it a practical solution for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle without compromising professional responsibilities.

That's where the Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike comes in...and it can become your new "secret weapon" for fitness and fat loss.


What Is The Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Bike?

Very simply, it's a stationary bike small enough to fit under your desk!

The concept itself is very clever...instead of having to go to a gym or buy a large, full-size bike, you can reap many of the benefits of stationary biking while you're doing your regular work.

Here's what it looks like sitting under my desk.

Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review

It fits very nicely beside my computer tower and in front of my backup battery power supply.

When you're using it, you'll notice that it has a small "pedaling diameter," meaning your feet don't make a big circle. This is actually a very good thing for an under desk bike...if the pedals make a big circle, you're more likely to hit your knees on your desk.

I was able to set the bike in a position where I could easily type and use my mouse while pedaling comfortably.

I'm also not a great multitasker yet I found that I was able to just keep pedaling without having to think about it, particularly at the lighter settings. If I bumped the resistance up, I would have to pay more attention to keep the pedals moving, but at a lower setting, it became automatic, which is exactly what I was looking for.

Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review How it fits under the desk

It's light and easy to move around yet solid enough to be stable while pedaling. It has a small tension knob on the back end for adjusting resistance.

It comes to you 95% assembled...it only took me a few minutes to put it together and have it ready to use.

This bike has a nice, smooth feel to it when pedaling. I found it to be a very high quality piece of equipment.

One of the best features of this machine is that it uses magnetic resistance, which renders it almost silent while you're using it (a nice feature if you're using it in a place where it needs to be quiet).

It has a small LCD screen for viewing simple stats while you're cycling.

Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review LCD screen

It also has adjustable straps for your feet so that they don't slip off the pedals.

Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review Pedaling

Additionally, they've added hooks where you can attach a set of included bands/handles to allow you to do some upper body training while you're cycling, if you like.

Personally, I didn't find that I really used them primarily because I have a basement full of equipment. I did also find the bands to be a bit stiff in terms of resistance profile...really easy at the bottom then gets harder quickly, which kind of limits what you can do with them.

That being said, you're buying a stationary bike, not a home gym, so I consider these bands to be a nice bonus...use them if you like but it doesn't change the functionality of the bike at all, which is the main thing you're getting!

Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review Bands

You can set the Yosuda bike on top of a table or countertop and use it as an upper body ergometer (a fancy name for stationary bike). The resistance level is very adjustable, allowing you to go from almost nothing where you're getting almost passive movement, all the way up to a pretty decent amount of resistance.

Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Stationary Bike Review Upper Body

I've got the bike sitting on top of a bench, because I dont have a table in my basement, but I think you get the idea!


The Bottom Line

Overall, I like this cardio machine a lot. It's well built and well designed. When I think "under desk bike" I think they absolutely nailed it.

I'm on the computer a lot in my work and having something that I can do mindlessly at my desk is fantastic.

It allows me to keep up with some good cardio training (and efficient fat-loss training) while working, instead of taking up time in a "regular" workout doing the same thing.

I have limited time for training and I'd rather get the low intensity stuff done at a totally different time than the weight training. The fact that I can now do that on this bike while I'm working is just awesome.

Get your Yosuda YBM-2 Under Desk Bike here!





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