Vector Grips Band Handle Review


Resistance training with bands can be very effective, however it does have some of which is how the band can deform your hand when you grip it.

In addition, some band training kits come with flexible handles that are just only slightly better than gripping directly onto the bands themselves. Flexible handles fold just like the bands do.

The Vector Grip band handles aim to fix this problem completely and provide you with a solid grip, allowing you to get all the benefits of band training without the downside of the bands squishing your hands.



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How Vector Grips Work

The concept behind these is very simple... they come in a pair and each one is a round steel handle with an open slot to put the band through. The end edges of the handles are rounded so that they won't cause any damage to your bands.

Then, instead of gripping onto the bands, you can grip onto the handle.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

With smaller bands, this is a very simple and easy process. Literally, you'll just slide it in and you're ready.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

This allows you to do any band exercise but with a solid surface to grip around that won't deform your hand.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

You can use both handles on the same band as well.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

Even larger bands are very easy to use with these handles. This is a medium blue band.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

And using the handles with this size of bands gives you an excellent resistance profile for exercises like overhead presses...and you'll be stronger with these handles than if you were just gripping onto the bands themselves, due to having that solid surface to push against.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

You CAN definitely use these band handles with very thick bands. The black bands are generally the thickest ones you can get and you can see this size band does stick out of the slot when you just put it in.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

To use thicker bands like this, you'll need to mash the band inside the handle, which does take a bit more time but it's not hard to do.

This allows you to do heavier exercises like one arm band rows. Without the handle, this size of band would really deform the hand, limiting the effectiveness of the exercise.

Vector Grips Band Handle Review

When you go to the page for the grips, you'll notice they come in two sizes... 42 mm and 46 mm. I tested the 46 mm ones, which give you a bit "fatter" grip surface. The 42 mm size would be better for somebody with smaller hands.


The Bottom Line...

If you do regular band training, these are absolutely worth getting.

They're not expensive and they're built to last. Even with the heaviest band I have, the handles didn't deform in the slightest. You'd probably have to run them over with a car to get the handle to deform enough to squeeze the gap closed.

The only thing that is slightly tricky is when you're using bands that are thicker than the green ones. You'll need to just take a few seconds to stuff them inside the handles better. But once they're in, they stay in.

This is a really well-designed, durable piece of equipment that works with ANY bands and neatly solves the issues of getting your hands mushed up by gripping directly onto bands.


Learn more about Vector Grips and get a pair now

Use coupon code FITPOWER20 to get 20% off!



Another Use For The Band Handles... Spinning Handles

Besides using these as band handles, one other thing that I used these for is to make my own "spinning" cable handle out of a handle that doesn't spin.

Personally, I prefer cable attachments that can spin. It allows for more natural movement. However, some less expensive attachments are just a single solid piece.

By sliding the band handles over the ends of the cable attachment, it basically created grips that can spin freely. It worked really well and takes no time at all to do.

Vector Grips Band Handle as spinning handles





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