Mass-Targeting Specialization Program


By Nick Nilsson
Author of Time-Volume Training

This powerful specialization program is one of THE fastest ways I've found to mass up and build strength in a particular bodypart.

It does this by taking the recovery energy that normally would go to your ENTIRE body and forcing it all into ONE bodypart.

f you think of it terms of 100 units of recovery energy available, normally, your chest may only get 20 units when training everything at once. But when you downgrade all your other work and focus ONLY on the chest, it'll get maybe 90 units of that energy - the growth and strength increases can be downright spectacular in very short periods of time.

Basically, you temporarily increase the volume and intensity of work done for one bodypart while decreasing the volume and intensity done for the rest of the body. There are some specialized techniques in the program, which I will explain in more detail below.


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You can use this specialization schedule on ANY bodypart to mass it up FAST.

I've done it 3 weeks in a row using one single bodypart, then taken a week easy. You can also use it with 2 bodyparts, doing 2 weeks on one part then 2 weeks on another part then a week easy. Be sure to take that easy week. This training will really trash your recovery and nervous system by the time you're done.


The Program - Weekly Schedule

If you're on a mobile device, or if you
just want a PDF of the program, you
can download this full workout
schedule in PDF format here


Do this program for 3 weeks then take one week easy.

  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 & 7

45 minute Specialization Workout for target bodypart

Higher Reps
Lighter Weight

Everything else
3 sets easy
(2 sets for smaller parts)

45 minute Specialization Workout for target bodypart

Moderate Reps
Moderate Weight

Everything else
3 sets easy
(2 sets for smaller parts)

45 minute Specialization Workout for target bodypart

Compound Exercise Overload

No Weights
No Cardio 10 minute cardio
moderate intensity
No Cardio 10 minute cardio
moderate intensity
No Cardio No Cardio


Group 1 and Group 2 Exercises

In the program training days, you'll see exercises labeled Group 1 and Group 2. Basically, Group 1 consists of compound exercises. For chest, this would be bench press, push-ups, and dips. Group 2 for chest would be flyes, cross-overs and pec deck.

For specific techniques that are listed in the training days, see the glossary below.


Day 1

The Day 1 training schedule focus on lighter weights and higher reps. The reason for this is threefold:

1. This is based on microperiodization - higher reps, moderate reps then low reps over the course of a week. This has been proven to be a VERY effective training schedule for forcing quick adaptation.

2. The higher reps will max out your endurance-oriented muscle fibers.

3. The higher reps will work to increase circulation to the target bodypart by increasing capillary density. These are the tiny blood vessels in the body where oxygen and nutrient exchange takes place. The more capillaries you have, the better the oxygen and nutrient capacity of the muscle, which means more mass capability.


Day 2

On this day, you'll be working everything else. DO NOT work the bodypart you're specializing on here. You want to be doing a set of 10 reps with a weight you COULD get 15 reps with. This is active recovery to keep the other muscles moving but not cut into the recovery capability of the target muscle.


Day 3

This day is hypertrophy-oriented. You'll be doing more moderate rep ranges here. You should feel a greater pump in your target muscle group because of the increased capillarization from the first day's training.


Day 4

Same as Day 2 - take it easy on your non-targeted bodyparts and skip the targeted bodypart completely.


Day 5

This is Compound Exercise Overload. This is targeted to strength and muscle mass. This is one of THE best training techniques you'll ever use for this purpose. This technique is a bit more involved and I'll describe it below.


Day 6 & 7

Days completely off.


Nutrition and Supplements

Nothing fancy here - eat big and eat plenty of protein. Make sure your post-workout meal is calorie-rich. If you don't know how to eat properly for muscle growth, you shouldn't be doing this program in the first place. The key here is to eat foods that are as close to natural state as possible and eat a LOT of them.

Same goes for supplements - I recommend creatine, whey/micellar casein protein, glutamine and assorted vitamins and minerals (multivitamin, extra Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, zinc). Feel free to throw in anything else you like but know that the majority of stuff out there - if you're not sure how to pronounce the name, chances are it's not going to work.


Training Technique Glossary

Straight Sets - no intensity techniques, just "normal" reps done to near failure (stay a rep or so short)

High Rep Partials - do high rep sets in the strongest range of motion, e.g. the top few inches of the bench press or the bottom few inches of the barbell curl. Whatever allows you to use the heaviest weight.

In-Set Supersets - this is a technique where you're doing two exercises in the same set but alternating reps. For example, doing lying tricep extensions alternated with close grip bench press. Or dumbbell presses and dumbbell flyes.

Very High Rep Normal Sets - straight set for a LOT of reps - use a VERY light weight.

Triple Drop and Rebound Sets - start with a weight you can get 8 to 10 reps with. Do a full set then reduce the weight 20% then do as many more reps as you can. Reduce again by 20% then do as many more reps as you can. This is done with a compound exercise. Follow it immediately with a set of an isolation exercise with heavier weight.

21's - Do the bottom half of the range of motion for 7 reps, the top half for 7 reps then the full range for 7 reps. Use a lighter weight than you think you'll need.

Medium Rep Partials - This is more like the classic version of partial training - use a very heavy weight and aim for 6 to 12 reps per set.

Pre & Post-Exhaust POF Supersets - You'll do one isolation exercise (use one that allows for a good stretch), one compound exercise, then another isolation exercise (use one that allows for the hardest contraction). This technique is known as Positions of Flexion. For example, on biceps, you would use incline curls, barbell curls then concentration curls. For chest, it would be dumbbell flyes, bench press then cable cross-overs.

Compound Exercise Overload - Basically, 45 minutes of one exercise using 3 rep sets. When you can't do 3 reps, drop the weight.

Moderate Intensity Cardio - this is just cardio training keeping a steady pace for 10 minutes, e.g. riding a stationary bike or jogging/walking on the treadmill - nothing too strenuous.



Day 1

Exercise Group Exercise Technique Sets Reps Notes
Group 1 High Rep Partials 4 30+ Use top or bottom range, whichever allows for the heaviest weight.
Group 1 & 2 In-Set Supersets 3 12-16 Use if bodypart allows it - if not, do regular supersets with 2 exercises for that part. Aim for 6-8 reps on each of the in-set exercises.
Group 1 Very High Rep Normal Sets 2 30-50+ Use a very light weight and just get as many reps as you can.
Group 2 then 1 Triple Drop and Rebound Sets 3 20 Aim for 5 reps on each of the drops and 5 on the rebound set. Do the Triple Drops with a Group 2 exercise and the rebound with the Group 1 exercise. Do as many as you can on the rebound set but aim for 5 minimum.
Take 2 Minutes Rest Here
Group 1 Straight Sets 3 12-15 Aim for 15 reps on the first set. The reps will drop from there.
Group 2 Very High Rep Normal Sets 2 30-50+ Use a very light weight. Basically, it's an isolation/easier exercise and you should crank out as many reps as possible.
Take 2 Minutes Rest Here
Group 1 Zone Training 3 24 Do the bottom half of the range of motion for 12 reps, the top half for 12 reps.
Group 1 High Rep Partials 3 15-30+ Use the range of motion you didn't work at the start of the workout.

General Comments:

  • Which exercise(s) you use for the techniques will depend on the Exercise Group that you can choose from. Generally, Group 1 is compound and Group 2 is isolation, but it depends on the bodypart.
  • The idea here is to totally overload the endurance fibers of the target muscle group.
  • The high reps are also ideal for increasing capillarization and overall circulation to the target muscle (great for poorly-responding muscle groups).
  • Take 1 minute rest in between sets unless otherwise stated. The total workout target time is about 45 minutes - it will depend on how long your sets take to do.
  • This Specialization program basically causes localized overtraining in one specific muscle group.
  • This is going to be a painful workout due to Lactic Acid and short rest periods.
  • No cardio training today.

Day 2

Bodypart Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Chest Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10

The bodyparts you work here will depend on which bodypart you are specializing on. These are set and rep guidelines for every part - when you do the training, just leave out the part you're specializing on. E.g. if you're doing chest, leave out chest today.

We're not looking for anything fancy or powerhouse here. Take a weight you can easily do 15 reps with and only do 10. The idea here is to do some easy work for the body to maintain and help channel all recovery energy into the target bodypart.

Straight sets and an easy workout are the key here.

Back Pulldowns or Rows 3 10
Thighs Leg Press or Lunges 3 10
Shoulders Dumbbell Presses or
Lateral Raises
2 10
Hamstrings Leg Curls 2 10
Biceps Dumbbell Curls 2 10
Triceps Pushdowns 2 10
Calves Seated or Standing Calf Raises 2 10
  Core Combo 7 - 3 sets of abs - 2 sets of lower back - 2 sets rotator cuff

Cardiovascular Training
Activity Comments
10 minute Cardio
Moderate Intensity
For cardio today, keep a decent pace so that you are not breathing too heavily but that you feel that you're actually doing some moderate work. Keep a steady pace for 10 minutes.


General Comments:

  • DO NOT work the bodypart you're specializing on - all parts are listed here. Just leave out the one you're working on.
  • (optional) Low Carb eating to maximize the rebound you get when you back to carbs on the specialization day.
  • Don't push yourself on any bodyparts. Just go for feel, keep strict form and stay away from muscular failure. This includes the ab exercises. We don't want to take away any recovery energy from the target bodypart. Also, don't use squats, deadlifts, clean & press, etc. No "hard" exercises.
  • Take 60 seconds rest in between sets - no less even though it's an easy day.
  • Today's training helps move blood out of the core storage areas and out into the body to help with recovery.
  • This is NOT an optional day. It's important part of the recovery process.

Day 3

Exercise Group Exercise Technique Sets Reps Notes
Group 1 Medium Rep Partials 4 6-12 Use top or bottom range, whichever allows for the heaviest weight. Aim for 12 on the first set and pyramid the weight up, reducing the reps as you go up in weight.
Group 1 Straight Sets 3 6-12 Use a weight that allows you to hit 12 for the first set as your target. Strict form.
Group 2 Straight Sets 3 6-12 Again, use a weight that allows you to hit 12 for the first set as your target. Strict form.
Take 2 1/2 Minutes Rest Here
Group 1 & 2 Pre & Post-Exhaust
POF Supersets
3 6-8 Aim for 6 reps on each part of the superset. You'll do one isolation exercise (use one that allows for a good stretch), one compound exercise, then another isolation exercise (use one that allows for the hardest contraction). This technique is known as Positions of Flexion. This totals 18 to 24 reps per superset.
Take 2 1/2 Minutes Rest Here
Group 1 & 2 In-Set Supersets 2 6-12 Use if bodypart allows it - if not, do regular supersets with 2 exercises for that part. Aim for 4 to 6 reps on each of the in-set exercises.
Group 1 Medium Rep Partials 2 6-12 Use the range of motion you didn't work at the start of the workout. Go for 12 reps as a target on your first set. The reps will drop from there. Start conservatively with your weight on the first set then go up if you can.

General Comments:

  • All your sets should aim for failure in the 6 to 12 rep range. This day is more targeted for muscle building. You will most likely feel increased pump in your target muscle because of the high rep training and increase capillarization.
  • The idea here is to totally overload the specific fibers that are most affected by that rep range in the target muscle group. These fibers offer the most potential for mass-building.
  • Take 90 seconds rest between sets unless otherwise noted.
  • No cardio today.


Day 4

Bodypart Exercise Sets Reps Notes
Chest Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10

The bodyparts you work here will depend on which bodypart you are specializing on. These are set and rep guidelines for every part - when you do the training, just leave out the part you're specializing on. E.g. if you're doing chest, leave out chest today.

We're not looking for anything fancy or powerhouse here. Take a weight you can easily do 15 reps with and only do 10. The idea here is to do some easy work for the body to maintain and help channel all recovery energy into the target bodypart.

Straight sets and an easy workout are the key here.

Back Pulldowns or Rows 3 10
Thighs Leg Press or Lunges 3 10
Shoulders Dumbbell Presses or
Lateral Raises
2 10
Hamstrings Leg Curls 2 10
Biceps Dumbbell Curls 2 10
Triceps Pushdowns 2 10
Calves Seated or Standing Calf Raises 2 10
  Core Combo 7 - 3 sets of abs - 2 sets of lower back - 2 sets rotator cuff

Cardiovascular Training
Activity Comments
10 minute Cardio
Moderate Intensity
For cardio today, keep a decent pace so that you are not breathing too heavily but that you feel that you're actually doing some moderate work. Keep a steady pace for 10 minutes.


General Comments:

  • DO NOT work the bodypart you're specializing on - all parts are listed here. Just leave out the one you're working on.
  • (optional) Low Carb eating to maximize the rebound you get when you back to carbs on the specialization day.
  • Don't push yourself on any bodyparts. Just go for feel, keep strict form and stay away from muscular failure. This includes the ab exercises. We don't want to take away any recovery energy from the target bodypart. Also, don't use squats, deadlifts, clean & press, etc. No "hard" exercises.
  • Take 60 seconds rest in between sets - no less even though it's an easy day.
  • Today's training helps move blood out of the core storage areas and out into the body to help with recovery.
  • This is NOT an optional day. It's important part of the recovery process.


Day 5 - Compound Exercise Overload

Bodypart Exercise Sets Reps Starting
Your Selected Bodypart Compound Exercise Overload As many as you can do 3 reps     Today you will be using the Compound Exercise Overload technique. This will result in dramatic increases in strength in very short periods of time. It's a low-rep, high volume approach. It's best to do this in a gym that's not crowded or use a free-weight exercise where nobody will mind if you do the same exercise for 45 minutes.


General Comments:

  • The training today is very challenging. Basically, start with a weight you can do for 6 reps and do 3 reps with it. Rest 20 seconds then do another set of 3 reps with it. Keep going until you can't do 3 reps. Drop the weight 10 pounds then go again with the 3 rep sets. Repeat this for 45 minutes.
  • Stick with 3 reps - your body hits a rep-range groove and will acclimate to it very quickly. Keeps your nervous system efficient.
  • On the final set (after 45 minutes are up) rest for a TWO FULL minutes then get as many reps as you can with the same weight.
  • The training uses neuromuscular specificity to allow you to teach your body the absolute most efficient way to perform a single exercise. Your body will learn to fire the exact sequence of muscles it needs to do the exercise, making fast strength gains possible.
  • Don't use different variations of the same exercise. It's important to use the EXACT SAME exercise the whole 45 minutes.
  • Do your best with the 20 second rest - this will increase during weight changes.
  • This will also give you a deep engorgement of blood to your target muscle.
  • Keep track of your start weight and ending weight so you know what to improve on next week.
  • No cardio today.





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