Build a Bigger Back... 6-Part Drop-Set for Chin-Ups


By Nick Nilsson
Author of Time-Volume Training

The chin-up is one of THE best bodyweight exercises in existence and one of the primary back exercises you should be doing regularly.

Now we're going to take that great exercise and apply some hardcore drop set training to it to really light up the lats and the biceps. This type of extended drop set training is extremely intense and will really hit a LOT of muscle fibers in the back.

You'll need to be fairly strong with the chin-up in order to do this drop-set version....ideally, you should be able to do 5 to 6 chins with at least an extra 20 lbs of weight.

You're going to be doing a 6 part drop set (if you have the equipment to do it) using a dip belt, a dumbbell, bodyweight and 3 different size training bands.



First, get the dumbbell set under the bar and get the dip belt on. I'm using a 35 lb plate for the belt and a 35 lb dumbbell for the feet. You'll also notice in the pictures that I've got the bands already hitched onto the chin-up bar, ready to go.

Get in position for the chin and put the dumbbell between your ankles. Grip the bar and take your feet off the ground.

Do the chin-up (you should be able to get at least 3 to 5 reps with this amount of weight).

Build a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-Ups

When you've hit your limit with that weight, release the dumbbell onto the floor and keep going, without letting go of the bar.

Build a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-Ups

When you've done as many more reps as you can, take the dip belt off and continue doing bodyweight-only chin-ups for as many more reps as you can get.

Build a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-Ups

Now, if you don't have bands, this is where you can use a bench or chair or your feet on the safety rails of the rack to use your legs to spot yourself in order to continue.

This is my recommended source for training bands. (Note: Use Coupon Code "rbtfitstep" to get 10% off your purchase of a band package)

If you DO have bands, slide the first one over (the skinniest one) and set one foot in the end. This will give you a bit of assistance to keep doing chins.

Build a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-Ups

Slide that band to the side, then slide the next band over and do reps with that.

Build a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-Ups

Now for the final band...this is the thickest band and will offer a lot of help. This might be a bit tougher to get your foot into, just FYI, so pull the band down HARD to get your foot in.

Build a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-UpsBuild a Wider, Thicker Back With This 6-Part Drop Set For Chin-Ups

That's it!

By the time you've finished this 6 part drop set, your back and biceps will be completely trashed.

When I did this one, I performed three rounds of this drop-setting with 2 minutes rest in between each round. And my lats were sore for DAYS after it.


If you've got the equipment, this chin-up drop set is a GREAT way to train your lats and build some serious mass in your back.





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