Discover Why "Normal"
Back Training Has FAILED You
the TRUTH About How You Can Build Wider Lats, a Thicker
Back and Bigger Traps With
No More Effort Than You're Putting in Right Now...
From: Nick Nilsson
"The Mad Scientist of Muscle"
I'm sorry to say, it's true..."normal"
back training really HAS failed you.
While being all good exercises,
standard barbell rows, pulldowns and cable rows have your
left your back FAR short of it's full potential...
...thinner than it could
...narrower than it should be...
...and WEAKER than you even know...
That's a picture of ME
to the right.
Short life story, I've been
training for more than 27 years...been a personal trainer
for more 25 years. I have a degree in Physical Education,
covering advanced biomechanics, physiology, anatomy and
kinesiology and I've been featured in major magazines
and websites over the past decade.
I KNOW what works and I'll
tell you one thing right up front...conventional training
and following the herd just isn't in my DNA.
"Normal" back
training has failed you and is going to KEEP failing you
IF you keep doing it, expecting different results.

A few of the magazines and
sites I've been featured in...
Here's What's Going to Fix It... 145 of My Best
"Mad Scientist" Back Exercises for DIRT CHEAP...
I'm not going to
take up half your day giving you 40 pages of reasons why you
need these exercises.
You already KNOW
why you need more effective exercises for your back. What you're
using right now just isn't giving you the results you want.
Here are the problems these exercises are going to solve for
1. |
Can't Feel Your Back Working...
So what happens when you
use standard back exercises and you can't feel your
back muscles actually working. It means you're going
to get almost ZERO back development from those exercises
no matter how hard you work at them.
My exercises will teach
you how to literally FORCE your back muscles to
get involved, which will give you FASTER back development.
Plus, your workouts will
be far more TIME-EFFICIENT because you're
going to get a lot more out of every rep and set you do
in your training, you won't have to do as many sets in
an attempt to actually feel something!
2. |
in Your Back Training...
Pulldowns, deadlifts, chin-ups
and rows...all great exercises, but even those staple
exercises get downright BORING after awhile, not to
mention the STAGNATION you'll get in your training when
you don't know any other good options.
Heck, you might even be
using exercises that are potentially DANGEROUS (behind-the-neck
pulldowns, for example).
Your body THRIVES on
change and adaptation... and there is NO better way
to force adaptation than a whole new exercise stimulus
to the muscles.
3. |
Not Having Fun in the Gym Anymore...
You go through the motions
with your back training, hoping that somehow you'll get
different results even though you're doing the same exercises
over and over again.
And it's NOT fun when
you don't get results...when you can't feel your muscles
working...when you keep doing the same exercises over
and over.
That's when you need unique,
new challenges and exercises to spice things up and renew
your zest for training!
In fact (and I say this
from experience), you'll soon have people in YOUR gym
coming up and asking you what the heck you're doing and
why you're getting such great results...YOU will be the
new exercise authority in the gym!
4. |
Don't Know The Right Exercises To Get the Job Done...
Want to make your lats wider
and pull-ups aren't doing it? Want to make your back thicker
and barbell rows aren't working?
If you don't know what exercises
you need to hit those aspects of the back you want to
hit, it's like trying to play golf with a hockey stick...something
might happen...it's probably NOT going to be what you're
looking for, though.
And that's really where
these exercises shine...you can target the EXACT
aspect of the back you want to hit and for whatever
GOAL you want to work towards...wider lats, thicker back,
more detail and definition...you name it.
this book, you'll finally have the right tools for the
Line is Your Back Tells
a LOT About You...
If you're strong or weak...
If you're a poser or the real
If you're a "mirror muscle"
trainer or if
you know the TRUE value of a
powerful, muscular back...
It's YOU (and the training you do)
That Determines What Your Back
Says About You!
This is where "The
Best Back Exercises You've Never Heard Of" comes
in...it's a collection of unique and powerful back exercises
that will shake up your back training like NOTHING
you've ever felt before.
It's got 145
exercises, complete with videos, pictures and
full descriptions that will tell you how to get the most
out every single rep that you do. I leave NOTHING to chance...you'll
know exactly what you're doing every step of the way.
Did I invent all of these
exercises myself? Nope...some of these exercises have
been around for years and have just been forgotten. However,
I am ABSOLUTELY SURE that I've come up with a TON
of exercises you've never seen before...heck, even if
you've been training longer than I have (20+ years)!
So Here's What
You'll Get In
"The Best Back Exercises"...
Back - 55 Exercises
Build a more impressive
and detailed upper back with these targeted upper back
exercises. These exercises primarily hit the vertical
pattern of back training, focusing on variations of chin-ups,
pull-ups and pulldowns.
Back - 40 Exercises
This is all about back thickness
and brute strength. Working with the horizontal pattern
of back training, this section focuses primarily on rowing
types of movements.
Back - 27 Exercises
This is where you'll really
develop a back of steel...these unique deadlift and back
extension variations will build extreme strength and power
in the lower back while helping to injury-proof the area.
and Neck - 24 Exercises
The traps are among the
most visible muscles of the back...having a thick set
of traps bulging out from the neck of a T-shirt is like
a badge of honor among serious trainers! You'll learn
exercises that target ALL sections of the traps (there
are actually THREE) as well as a number of direct neck
training exercises for good measure.
My 100% Satisfaction
To take away any thought
of risk you might have about trying out this book, you
have a full
60 day money-back guarantee.
If, at any time from
now until 2 months from now, you are not satisfied
with the exercises in this book, let me know and you will
receive a prompt and courteous refund. No questions asked,
no hard feelings.
I stand behind my programs
and exercises 100%. I wouldn't offer this information
to you if I didn't believe totally in what I was giving
you and I want to take all the risk on ME.
When I Say This Book is
"Dirt Cheap," I MEAN It...
Get all 145 exercises for just
$49.95 $10...

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