Frequently Asked
#1 |
Are these back exercises
just for men or will they work for women, too?
Answer: |
These exercises work GREAT
for women. In fact, there's nothing sexier than a sleek,
muscular back...and these exercises will develop that on
your FAR more effectively than the standard back exercises.
Your muscles will develop
according to your FEMALE genetics and hormone levels. Most
women simply DO NOT have the hormonal capability to develop
big, thick, manly back muscles, so don't even worry about
The harder your work your
back, the BETTER it's going to look.
#2 |
Are these back exercises
okay for older trainers... 50+ years old?
Answer: |
Absolutely! Your muscles don't
know how old they are but the DO know how effective your
exercises are at stimulating growth and strength.
Here's the other thing to
consider...these exercises will help you be much more time-efficient
in the gym, making better use of every set and rep you do.
As you get older, recovery can become more of an issue so
it's critical you use exercises that get the job done most
And that describes these exercises
#3 |
I'm a beginner...are there
exercises I can use in this book?
Answer: |
Yes, there are! This book
contains a wide variety of exercises that can be used by
total's just a matter of choosing the appropriate
resistance for your ability level.
Some of the exercises are
intended for a more advanced audience but even if you just
started training yesterday, you're going to get a LOT out
of this book and start yourself on the right path for ensuring
GREAT results in your future back training.
#4 |
Do I need any special equipment
to perform these back exercises?
Answer: |
I do have some exercises that
utilize a power rack, cable machines or training bands so
to use those obviously you'll need that equipment. I've
also included a full section in the book on recommended
back training equipment and accessories that can choose
to work with or not.
I'm all about simple equipment...the
best exercises are the ones that don't really need a whole
of fancy stuff and most back-specific machines aren't great
#5 |
Can I do these back exercises
at home with basic equipment?
Answer: |
You bet - the vast majority
of these exercises are done with very simple equipment such
as bodyweight, barbells, dumbells and chin-up bars. If you've
got some of this stuff in your home gym, you're all set...there
are a TON of exercises from this book that you're going
to be able to do with just that.
#6 |
Are these exercises going
to make me look stupid in the gym?
Answer: |
I hate to break it to you,
but ANY exercise you do incorrectly in the gym could potentially
make you look stupid in the gym :). These exercises are
different, absolutely, and if you're scared of looking different
(even though you'll get MUCH better results), then this
is not the book for you.
If you're willing to set that
fear aside and try some of these unique approaches, I think
you'll soon find that all those people you were worried
about looking stupid in front of are now copying YOU and
doing the exercises from this book that they see you doing.
The bottom line is
you really want to spend your whole life worrying about
what other people think when most of the time, they more
worried about what YOU think of THEM? Don't shortchange
yourself like that. If you do what 95% of the people in
the gym do that doesn't work, you're going to LOOK like
those 95% of the people in the gym.
#7 |
How do I use these exercises
in my regular workouts?
Answer: |
The nice thing about these
exercise is you can very easily substitute them DIRECTLY
into you regular training. If your program calls for
a chin-up, then select one of the many chin-up variations
found in the book. Same goes for rows, deadlifts,
name it.
All of these exercises are
variations of similar movement patterns to the exercises
you already know...they just use different setups, angles,
equipment and execution to change and improve how they affect
the muscles of the back.
#8 |
Did you invent all these
exercises yourself?
Answer: |
I'm not going
to tell you that I'm the sole creator and inventor of every
single one of these exercises...a number of these have,
in fact, been around for years and have just fallen out
of use over time.
However, I know
there are a LOT of exercises in this book that I can PROMISE
you've never seen before.
Did I truly invent
them? Possibly some of them have never been before...though
I'm not going to claim that I did because the moment I do,
invariably somebody tells me it was a common exercise back
in the 50's :).
#9 |
Can these exercises help
get rid of my lower back pain?
Answer: |
Back pain is a complicated
issue and has many causes. If one of the causes of your
back pain is weakness and ineffective back exercises then
yes, these exercises could absolutely help improve your
back pain. |
Get all 145 of these
killer back exercises for just $10!


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