One of the BIG reasons you might have small, weak, underdeveloped glutes is that your quadriceps take over any squatting or lunging movements you do. This problem of "sleeping" glutes is actually very common.
As well, if you've got knee issues, doing any sort of squatting or lunging movement may not even be possible for you!
Solution: One-Leg Glute Deadlifts
exercise is going to go to hit your glutes in TWO different the SAME time. This will literally FORCE them to activate while at the same time totally preventing the quads from taking over the exercise...
...and this is for the simple reason that the quads CAN'T take over the exercise because they're not actually physically ABLE to.
This is also how we're going to get around any knee issues you might have...there won't be any active bending (i.e. flexion) in the knee during the exercise, other than simply holding a position. All the action is going to happen at the hip.
The setup for this exercise is simple...a flat bench and a pair of moderate-weight dumbbells (I would even recommend testing your setup without any weight at all, first).
Pick up the dumbbells and stand about 3 feet from the bench (you'll have to adjust this foot placement based on your own height and leg length).

Now reach back with your right leg and set your SHIN on the bench. At the same time, hook your toes over the back edge of the bench (very useful for "locking" your leg onto the bench for stability) and bend your front leg knee about 45 degrees.
You'll be "sitting" in this position for the duration of the exercise...and THIS is what puts a strong isometric load on the glute of that front leg...CONTINUOUSLY through the entire exercise..
The important thing to remember is that even though this position might LOOK like the start of a Bulgarian Split Squat, the exercise does NOT involve any actual split squatting movement.
Once you're set in that top position, lean forward as though you're going to set the dumbbells down on the floor. DON'T set the dumbbells down on the floor, though!
Lean forward only far enough that your stomach contacts your thigh.
And be VERY sure that you maintain an arch in your lower back all the way forward. Hold that position for a few seconds.

Now here's the OTHER way this exercise targets your glutes...
When you come back up to the top, it's going to be via the hip extension function of the glute. Your glute will basically be pulling your torso (and the weight) back up into the top position WHILE it's also supporting your bodyweight (and the weight) isometrically in a STRETCHED position.
This literally FORCES massive activation of the glute muscles and will light a fire in your butt like nothing you've ever felt before.
When you've completed your reps (I recommend fairly low reps of about 5 to 7 per set), set the dumbbells down, change legs, then repeat on the other side.

The Bottom Line:
will feel this exercise from the moment you start it. It puts INCREDIBLE tension on the glutes two different ways at the same time. If you have a hard time feeling your glutes working or if you have knee issues, this is the PERFECT exercise for firing up your glutes FAST.
And if you DON'T have either of those issues but just want to get a bigger, better (or stronger!) butt, this exercise is exactly what you're looking for to get the job done.