Want TIGHT, Sculpted, Strong Arms...
Yep, you
know what I'm talking about...
kind of arms that look AMAZING in a tank top or sleeveless
kind of arms that make guys jaws drop when you walk
by and make other girls DEMAND to know exactly how
you got your arms looking like that...(or green with
envy...whichever you prefer :)
THOSE are the kind of arms you want... well...
I've got 68 exercises that are going to do
it for you!
From: Nick Nilsson
Author of "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never
Heard Of"
So I'm going to keep
this whole thing VERY informal and to the point.
That's a picture of
ME to the right. I've been training for more
than 20 years...been a personal trainer for about
16 years...have a degree in Physical Education and
Psychology...basically, I know a LOT about
"Great! Who
cares! How does that get me great arms? And I don't
want arms that look like YOURS!" I
can hear you saying right now... :)
And that's my point exactly...
doesn't matter how long I've been training, how big my arms
are or how educated I am...what really matters is that I
have exercises that will get you RESULTS and get
'em for you FAST.
The picture above
is not meant to intimidate you or make you think you're
going to get arms like mine by using the exercises I'm going
to share with you.
(I have a pretty
good notion that you likely don't want arms that look like
It's basically my way of saying
Men AND Women!
Now, here's the most important thing
I want you to remember as you read about these exercises...
(and my wife
will back me up on this - she does dumbell curls with 30
lb dumbells and is damn proud of it!)...
a female, in order to get those spectacular, head-turning
arms you want, you NEED to do direct arm work with
by resistance, I DON'T mean those pink 2 lb dumbells
that you see in fitness classes...the ones you can
scratch your nose with in the middle of a set...
You need
to use weights that CHALLENGE your muscles, just like
a man's. Because using very light resistance for very
high reps is just NOT going to get you the arms you
I can PROMISE you, even when using heavy resistance,
you WILL NOT get huge
To give you an example of what
I'm talking about, here's a woman who obviously trains HARD
with weights...I think her arms look GREAT. Definitely NOT
huge and veiny but you can absolutely tell she trains.

Ironically enough
(and this further illustrates my point!) took me FOREVER
to find this picture on a stock photo site. Almost EVERY
picture of women training that I found showed them with
puny little dumbells and spaghetti arms.
Now, even if
you don't want arms that look as muscular as the woman in
the picture above, you STILL need resistance in order
make noticeable changes to your body, both in how your arms
LOOK and in your everyday strength.
don't care if you're just trying to tighten up "batwing" absolutely need that resistance to get the
job done and I've got the exercises that will help you do
Ok, so I've pretty much beaten that point
to I've got something I think you'll like...
figured I'd just flat out GIVE you five exercises
to take to the gym and try out RIGHT NOW.
After all, what
better way to find out just how powerful these exercises
are than actually USING the exercises yourself!
These are exercises that will help you get that nice "tight"
look to your arms that you want.
Just click on
the name to go to each individual exercise...they all open
in new windows.
1. |
If you really want your
shoulders to "pop" in addition to your biceps,
you're going to love this exercise! It's curl "looking"
exercise that actually has pretty much all the movement
occuring at the shoulder!
2. |
Cable Cross-Over Extensions
ATTACK your triceps
directly with this extension exercise. It's a unique
movement that will hit the back of your arms hard.
3. |
Floor Rollbacks
This exercise requires
ZERO equipment, which comes in handy on the road or
at home (unless you consider a floor equipment). The
contraction you get in your triceps will be a BIG
eye-opener for you.
4. |
Barbell Curls
Yeah, I'm sure you're
wondering how, exactly, a person can do a barbell
curl while laying back on an incline bench and still
have it be effective. Well cripes, I'll show you!
And it's a bicep KILLER.
5. |
Face-Away Pushdowns and Presses
This unique pushdown
variation will set your triceps on fire! The angle
of your body combined with the continuous tension
of the cable will light 'em up from top to bottom.
new exercises will:
- provide
a new training stimulus for
your muscles, which will help you make
gains without any more effort than you're putting in
right now on your current exercises and programs.
- increase your strength
in other conventional exercises. You could potentially
add 10 to 20 pounds or more to your bench press very
quickly simply by adding in one of the new tricep exercises
that I'm going to show you (this kind of thing is known
as weak point training with assistance exercises)
- help you blast through
plateaus quickly and easily. No more ruts. No more
stalled progress. You'll have the knowledge you need
to blow through them like they weren't even there.
- work muscles you didn't
even know you had. These underworked, underdeveloped
muscles are often the key to unlocking gains that
are just not possible with conventional exercises.
- help you develop a
more complete physique by working your arm muscles
from many different angles. I don't care if you're
male or female, you'll turn heads wherever you go!

- prevent staleness
and boredom and send your motivation sky high. You'll
not only look forward to going to the gym to use these
exercises, your energy levels will be through the roof!
Nothing gives you that spark to train like feeling your
muscles rapidly responding and growing like a dry sponge
dropped in a glass of water.
- plug right into whatever
program you're working on right now to dramatically
increase the efficiency of whatever program you're using.
Instead of doing regular barbell curls, substitute in
one of your new biceps exercises. Just that simple!
what hard-working trainers just like
you are already saying about the
exercises in this book...
- "As a
bodybuilder, fitness instructor, and personal trainer,
I am always looking for new and effective variations
to the "meat and potato" workout material.
This e-book has provided renewed excitement and
motivation. I look forward to getting into the
gym to try some of these great exercises."
- Christy Kwan
- "LOVE this book!!
I have already had some friends order a copy. All
of us feel like we should send you additional $$$
for the ideas. Not only am I looking forward
to the results I know I'll be getting, but it's
been kind of fun getting stares from other gym goers
who are obviously wondering 'what the heck I am
doing'." - Patrick Albanese
- "Nick!!!..something
is wrong with you!!!..I mean c'mon, preacher
curls with bodyweight??? How do you come up with
this stuff??!?!...awesome job on the new book..loving
it..going to start using it asap." - Marlon
- "Congratulations
on a fantastic achievement! I am a Certified Personal
Trainer, and so I'm always looking for new ways
to shock my clients... (as well as myself!) It's
always refreshing to see someone bold enough to
break away from mainstream bodybuilding beliefs,
and you have definitely done just that!" -
P. Lessard
- "The unconventional
approach of your routines appeals to my sense of
the contrary, and should raise a few eyebrows
down at the gym. Also, I like your bodyweight exercises
using anything that comes to hand. These could be
good for showing off at parties." - Richard
Stuchbury (54 years young)
- "The exercises
are great and after trying nearly all of them so
far, they definitely work. I have been sore after
each and every workout in places that haven't been
sore in a while and I continue to lose fat and gain
mass. The book is a great buy and worth the small
price." - James Pry
100% 60-Day Satisfaction
To take away any thought
of risk you might have about trying out these exercises,
I want to extend to you a full
60-day money-back guarantee.
If, at any time
from now until whenever, you are not satisfied
with the information in this book, let me know and
you will receive a prompt and courteous refund.
No questions asked, no hard feelings. I stand behind
my programs and exercises 100%. I wouldn't offer
this information to you if I didn't believe totally
in what I was giving you.
You have my word on
this and it's not something I take lightly.

also going to throw in a bunch
of great bonuses for you...
1. |
Bodybuilding Secrets by Karen Sessions
Get the straight scoop
on building muscle as a woman from Karen...a high-level
female bodybuilder. Muscle is what gives your body
shape - don't be afraid of it! She'll give you the
info you need to build lean, sexy muscle.
2. |
The Top 15 Dieting
Mistakes by Karen Sessions
Learn what mistakes
you MUST avoid if you want to be successful with
long-term fat loss. Karen lays it all out for you.
3. |
to Improvise Training Equipment Out of Just About
You'll learn the golden
rule of equipment improvisation: it's not garbage
until the truck takes it away! Some of the most
effective exercises I've got are done using ordinary
household items, furniture and even walls and floors.
I'll teach you what to use and how to use it for
best results.
One Last
The next
time you go to the gym, after reading everything that
I've told you about here today, will you be absolutely
certain that the arm exercises you'll be doing are
going to give you a 100% return on the hard work
and effort you're putting in?
If given
the opportunity, would you gladly squeeze more results
out of every single rep you do in
your very next arm workout without any more effort than
you're putting in right now?
so, then...
your copy of "The Best Arm Exercises"
for just $50 $25
For 68 Arm Exercises!

sells my ebook - they are a trusted online
retailer specializing in digitally delivered
products. When you purchase, you will be
taken to your download immediately. As this
is an electronic book, no physical product
will be delivered!

Want More
Get Sculpted BICEPS...
- If you've ever had difficulty
building your biceps, you'll appreciate this exercise.
It's a variation of the pull-up that, when you add in
the simple adjustment that I've come up with, throws
90% of the muscle-building tension of the pull-up
onto your biceps. You'll never have a problem building
your biceps again!
And I've got a variation that allows you to have
FULL control over the resistance so
you can change it from almost all bodyweight to almost
NO bodyweight just by how you stand.
- And if you thought using
your bodyweight was good, I've got two methods for doing
incline curls that will make regular incline dumbell
curls (which are a great bicep exercise) look almost
stupid. The first is a change in body position...the
second is by using a BARBELL instead of dumbells. VERY
effective stuff and VERY easy to setup (how hard it
is to DO is up to you!)
- The cable curl is an
excellent exercise but I know a way to do it that puts
such a massive stretch on your biceps that you'll swear
you feel every muscle fiber getting put to work. This
one is an incredible bicep burner that really brings
the definition in your arms.
Exercises that will build tight, NON-FLAPPING
- To demonstrate the power
of this exercise for tightening up your triceps, straighten
your arms out tightly and try to force them behind your
back as far as possible. Feel the squeeze on your triceps?
This is the most highly contracted position the triceps
can get into. Now imagine adding resistance to your
triceps in that position! The contraction you feel
will be the most intense you've ever felt in your triceps
(possibly in any muscle) in your life.
This one is going to tighten
up the back of your arms FAST...and
it's done using the Pec Deck!
- As I've said before,
bodyweight exercises activate more muscle fibers than
traditional weight exercises. The problem for many female
trainers can be in finding movements that are challenging
enough to spur muscle growth but easily adjustable to
deal with changes in strength levels.
Not only is this stretch-position exercise for your
triceps as challenging as you want it to be, it can
be done pretty much anywhere. By
simply adjusting your body position it can be
easy enough for a total beginner or hard enough to challenge
an Olympic-caliber athlete.
- Combine this bodyweight
stretch-position exercise with the previous contracted-position
exercise and your triceps will see results INCREDIBLY
fast! You'll be hitting your triceps full force
from complete stretch to peak contraction. And the soreness
you will feel from this combo the next day will give
you yet another reason to curse my name!
your copy of "The Best Arm Exercises"
for just $50 $25
For 68 Arm Exercises!

sells my ebook - they are a trusted online
retailer specializing in digitally delivered
products. When you purchase, you will be
taken to your download immediately. As this
is an electronic book, no physical product
will be delivered!
