Bonus Exercise! Pinch Grip Reverse Curls

The Reverse Curl is one of the most underused exercises for the upper arms in existence. The reason? It's humbling. You can't use a whole lot of weight with it (unless you've worked at it or unless you're doing it wrong).

But MAN, when you DO work at the reverse plays a big role in maximizing arm size and developing forearms and grip strength.

And grip strength is where this version of the Reverse Curl is focused.

Instead of gripping the bar firmly with all your fingers wrapped around, you're going to use a modified pinch grip. It's not a "true" pinch grip (which is where you're pinching something in between your thumb and index finger).

This pinch grip has just wrapping your thumbs and index fingers around the bar and doing the reverse curl like that. Here's what I'm talking about...

Now it's a simple matter of performing the Reverse Curl with that modified pinch grip.

It's not so bad when you start out (I've just got 10 lb plates on the bar) but as the set goes on, your forearms will be lighting up!

When you feel like you can't hold onto the bar any longer, grip it with ALL your fingers and try and squeeze a rep or two more. Since those two digits are the real workhorses of your grip, it won't be many but it's a good burnout.

This is a good "finishing" exercise for a workout simply because your grip will be pretty toasted after a set or two of this. It's a great way to build finger strength and overall grip strength.


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