The Muscle Explosion program is the best "plateau-buster" muscle-building program I've ever put together (and ever used!). It will get you FAST results in both strength and muscle growth.
However, it's NOT an ideal long-term approach to training for mass because of how challenging it is. It really is a "sprint" in terms of how it hits your body.
To get you long-term gains, I've got four more books that utilize different methods of muscle growth for you. These programs will keep you building muscle ALL YEAR LONG.
No thanks, I'd like to just pick up Muscle Explosion now...
Discover How to Unlock 5, 10, even 20 Pounds of Your TRUE "Untapped" Muscle Growth Potential in the Next 90 Days...
Your "genetic" limitations on muscle size are NOT genetic. You've stopped growing because your training hasn't optimized the four key physiological factors that are essential for accessing your TRUE muscle growth potential.
- Blood Vessel Density
- Connective Tissue Strength
- Muscle Fiber Number
- Nervous System Activation
And exercise science has proven that these four factors can be TRAINED and IMPROVED so that you can finally build the muscle mass that your body is TRULY capable of building and unlock your hidden potential.
This Is a NEW Way to Build Muscle...
We are going to CHANGE you...literally from the inside out...with science-based training that immediately improves your body's underlying physiology to better support MASSIVE muscle growth and strength.
This means every mass-building program you do AFTER you go through Metamorphosis will work better.
You'll be a muscle "responder" instead of a "non-responder."
Harness The Primal Anabolic Drive Of "Controlled Overtraining" To Build Muscle And Strength AUTOMATICALLY...
Because when you know how to properly CONTROL and HARNESS the overtraining process, your body has NO CHOICE but to build muscle.
You see, overtraining is NOT necessarily's just misunderstood.
And using it properly is one of THE single most powerful proven approaches to building muscle in existence. It's the "secret sauce" behind the programs of some of the most successful athletic coaches in the world.
Overtraining is what happens to your body when it gets faced with a workload it's not accustomed to and can't fully adapt to fast enough. It literally means "too much training." And it can make you smaller, weaker and sick all the time if you let it get out of hand.
"CONTROLLED overtraining," however, takes this incredibly powerful, primal process and makes it work FOR you instead of against you. It treats your body as a SYSTEM rather than a collection of bodyparts, as many programs do, unlocking your TRUE muscle-building potential and anabolic drive.
If you stay away from overtraining (as most people do), you'll NEVER know the kind of muscle growth that your body is TRULY capable of.
By NOT overtraining, you're cheating yourself out of POUNDS of "T-shirt-stretching" muscle mass that you could have right now. It's time to switch your thinking and EMBRACE overtraining with Two Block Mass.
Discover the Simple "No Gym" 3-Rep Solution For Building Muscle and Strength... At Home... Like Clockwork...Even If All You Have Are Some Bands, a Pair of Rusty Old Dumbbells or Even NO Workout Equipment At All!
This system adapts to WHATEVER you've got (or haven't got!)...and all you have to do is count to 3.
- It builds muscle automatically... literally like clockwork... even in experienced trainers in their 40's, 50's, 60's and beyond!
- Develops a base of REAL strength that will push the numbers on your max lifts higher and higher, without hurting your joints
- Won't crush your recovery, hammer your nervous system, spike your cortisol, trash your immune system, or suppress your testosterone
You DON'T Need Heavy Weights To Build Muscle...
I'm not going to tell you that you have to stop forever... you just have to do it SMARTER.
Because there IS a time and place for training heavy and working out like an animal... I still do that regularly... it's just that the time is not "all the time"...
When you train "wrong" in the RIGHT way, you'll turn back your body clock and build mass and strength just like you were back in your TWENTIES.
You'll pile on muscle with no joint-crushing marathon workouts...and no injuries
If You've Hit a Mass Plateau, You NEED New Exercises...
Training the big exercises like deadlifts, squats and bench to gain mass is really no secret. You NEED that heavy "big exercise" training to maximally stimulate growth. Working with those basic exercise can only take you so far, though.
In fact, you may find your body doesn't respond to those exercises or, due to past injuries or your body structure, you can't potentially can't even USE one or more of those exercises.
If you want REALLY great mass...the kind of mass that scares children...mixing it up with other just-as-powerful exercise variations is a MUST.
And let's face it...
Mass training is just plain FUN...which is exactly why I've come up with so many powerful exercises specifically for building muscle!
Purchased seperately, these books would cost $109...
Right now, you can get all 5 of these books together for just $67...that's 38% off!
No thanks, I'd like to just pick up Muscle Explosion now...
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