#1 - Chest and Abs: Back-Off Bench Dumbbell Press
This exercise is the perfect "beach body" exercise, targeting the chest and abs with a unique bracing setup. You'll be using your six-pack abs isometrically to support your body AND the weight as you press up without your upper back on the bench.
#2 - Biceps: Nilsson Curls
If you want to build massive biceps, this is the exercise you're going to use. Most bicep exercises use a relatively light weight. This one uses a specific "blocking" method to put the load of almost your ENTIRE bodyweight directly onto your biceps
#3 - Quads and Core: Frankenstein Plus Dumbbell Squats
This one is going to demand everything you've got. It's a variation of the Front Squat that adds in an additional twist to throw even MORE loading on your core and quads. If you want to improve your Front Squat and quadricep strength, this exercise will do it for you.
#4 - Back: Corner Rack Pull-Ups
This is the exercise pictured above. The specific shape of the corner of the power rack allows you to perform a version of the pull-up that puts DIRECT tension on the outermost fibers of your lats. If you want to build back width, do this exercise.
#5 - Shoulders: Rear Delt Rack-Rail Lateral Raises
If you have a hard time engaging your rear delts and your shoulder development is suffering for it, this technique is going to change that instantly. You will feel your rear delts contracting harder than they've ever contracted before.
#6 - Posterior Chain: Power Rack GHR Machine
The GHR (Glute/Ham Raise) machine is one of the single most effective ways to develop the posterior chain. If you don't have access to one, don't have room for one or can't afford one, you're missing out. This setup mimics it almost perfectly...and even improves on the original in many ways.
Want more amazing exercises like this?
I've got 74 MORE exercises like these that will turn your power rack into the single most versatile piece of equipment you've got...

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exercises and see the results you get. All
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Got Questions? I've Got Answers...
1. Do I need any equipment other than a power rack?
For some exercises, you don't even need weight...just your body and a rack. Many of the exercises do use some form of resistance, whether it's dumbbells, barbells or kettlebells. And there are a few exercises that incorporate bands or benches.
The VAST majority of the exercises can be done with just a basic gym and power rack setup.
2. Are these exercises okay for beginners?
Many of the exercises are just fine for beginners...it's just a matter of using the appropriate resistance. That being said, there are exercises that are absolutely just for intermediate to advanced trainers, not beginners.
3. Are these exercises just for men or can women use them, too?
These exercises are for everybody! I personally don't believe in exercises "for women"...they're just exercises and are used to achieve specific training goals. If you have that training goal, it doesn't matter if you're male or female.
4. Will these exercises make me look stupid?
These exercises will certainly set you apart from the average gymgoer. For some people, that's a dealbreaker and that's fine. I have a feeling if you're reading this, you're not one of those people that is overly concerned with what other people think, especially when something WORKS.
And honestly, most of these exercises don't look that much different than the standard movement patterns they're based on. In fact, you'll likely see other people trying what you're doing soon after you do it, or asking you where you learned it from!

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