Tilted Dumbell Bench Press
For Inner Chest

I've got a treat for you with this exercise, if you want to fill out your inner chest and get more "cleavage" of your pecs.

This exercise targets the inner aspect of the pec fibers very strongly...and with a heavy press, which is very useful for building...and with very simple eqiupment (no machines needed...just a decline bench and a dumbell).

The pecs reach full contraction when the arm crosses the midline of the body - you can demonstrate this just sitting at your computer as you read this by holding your right arm straight out in front of you then bringing it across your body to the left while keeping it straight.

Feel that contraction?

THAT is what you're missing in a regular bench press and THAT is what this exercise is going to load.

The key with this one is the angle of your body. You'll be lying perpendicular on the bench with one arm hooked under the roller pads at the top and your shoulders tilting down.

Here's the starting setup...dumbell beside the decline bench. Use a weight you know you can handle well for normal dumbell presses. I'm using an 85lb dumbell here, which is pretty moderate for me.

Sit on the bench and reach down and grab the dumbell.

Set the dumbell on your thigh then get your other arm hooked underneath the top roller pad.

As you do this then just kick the dumbell up into the bench press position.

Now you're in position...your arm is hooked under and the other arm is in the bottom of the bench press position. Note how my shoulders are tilted DOWN at the angle of the bench.

This is KEY to hitting the inner pec fibers because as you press up, the tilt in your shoulders makes it SEEM like you're coming up and across your body, which is what hits that inner aspect.

Press up and hold and squeeze HARD at the top. This is not a fast power exercise. You want to do this deliberately and really get that hard squeeze at the top of the movement where your arm comes across your body.

Do all your reps on one side then set the dumbell down on the floor and switch to the other side.

You can really see the tilt in the shoulders in this pic. Note how the upper arm is all the way down and practically touching the bench at the bottom - the bottom isn't the "money" part of the exercise...it's the TOP, so make sure you get that squeeze at the top.

Your bottom shoulder will come off the bench at the bottom, which is totally fine because that's the idea with the exercise. The shoulder comes up as the arm comes up and across.

So if you want to hit that inner chest, DEFINITELY give this one a try. It's also going to target your core because of the tilt and the single-arm pressing.




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