Weight Plate Steering Wheel Rolls

This is a great exercise for targeting the Rectus Abdominis (the six-pack muscles of the abs) as well as the obliques and transversus (the internal and side muscles of the core area).

It's a lot like a plank only instead of placing your forearms or hands on the ground, you'll be supporting yourself on a weight plate, held like a steering wheel.

For this exercise you will need a weight plate (25 lb, 35 lb or 45 lb - anything else is too small to comfortably grip). Kneel down in front of the weight plate, which you will be holding standing on end in front of you (I've got pics of that easier version below - the full plank version is advanced).

Be sure to set the plate on a rubber mat or on carpet when doing these. Don't set the plate on end directly on concrete. The plate will be slippery and possibly slide down and slam down.

Stretch your legs back so that your body is extended further and hold the weight plate in the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock position (this is the position that is most stable and where you will have the most control over the plate). It will look as though you're holding a steering wheel (not in the typical 10 and 2 position but the idea is the same).

Steering Wheel Rolling for Abs

Keeping your body forward, roll the plate a quarter turn to the left and hold for a few seconds.

Steering Wheel Rolling for Abs

Then come back over to the right and hold like you're turning corners in a car.

Steering Wheel Rolling for Abs

Don't move your hands off the plate as you roll. As you roll in either direction, you will work the abs on that side to stabilize and help bring your body back to the start position. You will also have to stabilize the weight plate itself, which is balanced on end.

To make this exercise even MORE challenging, instead of doing it on your knees, do it with your body in a full plank position (knees off the ground). It's going to seriously challenge your core stability and strength!


Common Errors:

1. Rolling too fast

The roll should be slow and deliberate to give your abs time to adjust and contract. Rolling too fast means you could tip over!

2. Rolling too far over

If you turn the plate too far, you will fall over.


1. Use the larger plates to start

In this exercise, the smaller plates are actually harder to use as they have less weight, are smaller in size and are therefore more unstable. If you're starting out, use the heaviest weight plate you've got.

2. Making it easier

To make the exercise easier, bring your knees forward. The closer your knees are to the plate, the less torque from your bodyweight will be placed on the abs and the easier the exercise will be.


I would also recommend the One-Arm Hammer Plank exercise for targeting core stability and strength like this exercise does.



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